
Youtube: How to check video availability?

Started by July 19, 2014 05:53 PM
7 comments, last by Servant of the Lord 10 years, 3 months ago

Hi all!

Is there a method to check if a video on youtube is muted/not available in some countries due to copyright issues? One of my videos have "Acknowledged third party content" doe to a music I used, and after a few days the little "Buy xxx on iTunes" icon and the ads for the 3rd party appeared under the video as expected.

But I'm not sure if the video is still unavailable in some countries, and if so, which countries.

The video in question is this:

It would also be nice if you tried to watch the video and tell me if it's available inyour country or not.

Thanks for your answers in advance!

The video is not available in Germany.

It is available in Australia

Available in New Zealand.

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

It's available in England.

FastCall22: "I want to make the distinction that my laptop is a whore-box that connects to different network"

Blog about... stuff (GDNet, WordPress):,

You could write a small script that checks youtube's Data API for the restriction parameter. This could be a starting point.

This is only reasonable if you need to check more than one video...


You could write a small script that checks youtube's Data API for the restriction parameter. This could be a starting point.

This is only reasonable if you need to check more than one video...

don't even need to go so far as to writing a script, here's the media data:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<entry xmlns='' xmlns:app='' xmlns:media='' xmlns:gd='' xmlns:yt='' gd:etag='W/&quot;AkEASH47eCp7I2A9XRZWGEs.&quot;'>
        <yt:state name='restricted' reasonCode='limitedSyndication'>Syndication of this video was restricted.</yt:state>
    <category scheme='' term=''/>
    <category scheme='' term='Tech' label='Science &amp; Technology'/>
    <title>Lego Technic Audi RS 5 DTM</title>
    <content type='application/x-shockwave-flash' src=';f=videos&amp;app=youtube_gdata'/>
    <link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href='http:'/>
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    <link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>
    <link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>
    <yt:accessControl action='comment' permission='allowed'/>
    <yt:accessControl action='commentVote' permission='allowed'/>
    <yt:accessControl action='videoRespond' permission='moderated'/>
    <yt:accessControl action='rate' permission='allowed'/>
    <yt:accessControl action='embed' permission='allowed'/>
    <yt:accessControl action='list' permission='allowed'/>
    <yt:accessControl action='autoPlay' permission='allowed'/>
    <yt:accessControl action='syndicate' permission='denied'/>
        <gd:feedLink rel='' href='' countHint='1'/>
        <media:category label='Science &amp; Technology' scheme=''>Tech</media:category>
        <media:content url=';f=videos&amp;app=youtube_gdata' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' medium='video' isDefault='true' expression='full' duration='203' yt:format='5'/>
        <media:credit role='uploader' scheme='urn:youtube' yt:display='DolgorsurenDagvadorj'>dolgorsurendagvadorj</media:credit>
        <media:description type='plain'>This is a working manual model of an Audi RS5 DTM (2013). DTM, Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters (German Touring Car Masters) is a Silhouette racing car series based in Germany.

Scale: 1:10

More pictures of the models can be found here:

Music by Primus</media:description>
        <media:license type='text/html' href=''>youtube</media:license>
        <media:player url='http:'/>
        <media:restriction type='country' relationship='deny'>DE</media:restriction>
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        <media:thumbnail url='' height='90' width='120' time='00:00:50.750' yt:name='start'/>
        <media:thumbnail url='' height='90' width='120' time='00:01:41.500' yt:name='middle'/>
        <media:thumbnail url='' height='90' width='120' time='00:02:32.250' yt:name='end'/>
        <media:title type='plain'>Lego Technic Audi RS 5 DTM</media:title>
        <yt:duration seconds='203'/>
    <gd:rating average='5.0' max='5' min='1' numRaters='4' rel=''/>
    <yt:statistics favoriteCount='0' viewCount='105'/>
    <yt:rating numDislikes='0' numLikes='4'/>

which looks like just germany is denied.

Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

Thank you very much for the info. It's strange that it's denied in Germany only.

Wikipedia: Bloacking of YouTube Videos in Germany

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