
Game Maker Idea for Workshop or Community Item based

Started by July 19, 2014 12:50 PM
6 comments, last by slicer4ever 10 years, 6 months ago

Firstly, going to say "Hi!" to the community. Isn't or Doesn't a great idea, a Game Maker game (especially Windows and Mobile Android or iOS too!) (especially too "Studio"s) came up with a workshop? (Hey, don't steal my idea, or if you ask me to make it to your game, any engine probaly, go ahead!) Okay, the procedure work like this (the non coded or compiled yet!), the user/community maker submit their work to your e-mail or your official team email, then, also came up with item name and descreption +pricing and special feature (like disguising maybe, or extra coins or cashes), after you or team receive the e-mail, (I recommend using, oh! Plus the character sprites too +walking animation, but faster way, give'em template like hand or gun holding pose and you make an invisible object moving along the arena with the character, work with enemy too! for invisiblity one, but that's okay! ;) If you want ;), hehe!) Ummmm, what's next? Ah! Make a selection! Where should be added to game and where's not (possiblity due to non suitable art for your game, or... pricing too expensive, but in my game, it should be greater than 200 and not bigger than 10000 (ten thousand), cause that's too expensive, I think, for non-powerful weapon, so whatever!) Or other reason, maybe, hehe...

Okay, any sugestion or silly idea are pleased and welcomed, and also please Up vote me! Thanks! Okay, almost forget! Boo! It work with custom taunt (based on engine you used, I'm using custom sound and frame, up to 2-10 or arround 19 to 20) ...skip! Oh, and weapon and cosmetic item (can be clothes and reskin too!). Community map maybe? Or anything, and if your engine supported, trade! YEah trade system! Or, someone selling items (pricing is up to user or player) and online maps, or feature, or trade for custom arena or enemy (of course, their community maked, map). Anything your genre (online or offline) this should work, as if you have good hype or fame (otherwords, fans, yeah).

I hope this article (I hope I post in the right thingy, I mean, section!) should help you boost your sale or feature, but I think feature like this should be online mobile game rather than PC or console, doesn't know if this work on 3d too! But in case, this should boost your 2d game, mostly. But not pixelated one or whatever! Need your support by +1-ing my post, so I can maybe write a good article like this (should post this too) Oh, and mostly shooter and RPG game whould be awsome! See you if your game's done! ;) hehe! Uhhh, anything could be I should know? Oh, and about my game character, but no! Not here too! Should post in other thing, I mean post! Okay, thanks! Good night, game Frostier (or Froster), just my, our game company/group/team name!


Oh, and almost forget! The compiled code one! Explained below in this EDIT: #1

This is my experience using GML, maybe there are some refference to other game programming language, because that is normal! Thanks...

//It's not real javascript, just kinda like them, it's pure GML (Game maker Language)
//This step is the compiled one, maybe it's easier for you if you are a lone programmer
//Okay, here we goes!

var /*your item here*/, game_item_name //or simply item_name or whatever!
/*your item goes here*/ = game_item_name

//Oh, and also, I'm quite noobs about coding, so sorry! You can delete this thing!
//Just letting you know, this too!

//Your item name goes here, it should be like this:
//obj_your_item_name (without // is okay, but it's recommended!)
var game_price //or simply your currecy (or whatever) name!
var game_item_display, /*or ; so skip this!*/ game_sprites, game_icon_shop,
//You can also declare your own variable! But this is the most common!
//Eh, my english look good, isn't it? Ah, don't worry, I'm better at school than other!

item_name          == //Optional! or, game_item_name, it's based on var above
game_price         == //your_price goes or belong here! oh, or use single = if failed 
                     //at compiling, just as you know!                 
game_icon_shop     == //should goes like this spr_your_sprites
game_sprites       == //Like something at battlefield, +walking animation, optional too
game_display name  == //Just for shopping thing, you may ...skip! this
game_extra_frame   == //If multiple sprites is used, should goes like this:
                      //spr_item1, or ; spr_item2, etc
game_extra_feature == //Just like poison effect, or particle, it's up to you too
game_projectile    == //especially for shooter game, for non shooter game, maybe just
                      //for particle usage like "whink" or "boink!" or you may rename it

//End of the stats, althought or althrough you may add your custom variable below:
//Custom variable, if any

//game_custom_variable == //value goes or belong here

//End of custom variable,
//Custom variable are designed and recommended for someone that need the custom item
//could be useful too for uhh, weapon scrolling, specially for RPG and shooter game!
//Oh, right! These code are belong to me! With exeption custom variable!
//Please if you use this (with edits too!), credit me! "Adi Satria" or just "can2x"
//in your game! Or, give me donation so I can make more useful code for compile like
//this (or these)! Oh, and for custom variable(s) don't forget to declare them in
//var thingy, thanks through this is EDIT: #2, in code! Aw hehoho!
//Method of contacting me:
//> account = ("hehe, here> can2x)"
//>Facebook       = ("Adi Satria, so far as this written it's SR4 logo")
//>Gmail          = (" or - registering!")
//>Anyother? Ah!
//>IndieDB        = ("As can2x, it's ModDB, don't know if that's worked too")
//>Or by... SMS   = ("Not recommended, and I'm not giving you guy my number!")
//>Soon, Skype    = ("Could be as GameFrost, or Frostier")
//>Oh, right maybe our own databases I hope, so far still using my "Ultimate Game book
// available in "Meet the Team" video through my personal channel, or our Officials,
// subcribe for more video, trolling girl-class BS (Stand for Boarding Schools), first
// introduced in Meet the Team vids hashtag #2 part2 or simply hastag #2.5 D, eh hehe!
//===[End of the Line, not GTA oops!]===================================================

Okay, maybe it's enough! All copyright belong to their own represctive, or ah! Whatever! Oh, right and the religy thing! All good thing came up from the gods, with their or your own religy, (not the wrong thing one!) And all mistake (not all, hehe) came up from me! Okay that's all, so far for Youtube and other support still using my oersonal Gmail e mail "Adi Satria" SR4 too! Thanks, bye!


Okay it's now pure edited 3 time so it's hastag #3, just edit some error on code, so steady on! Oh, crap! Which part? I forget, should find it! Steady on!

Oh, right got this from nowhere but my silly thinking (but now I'm thinking about Pyroland with some creepy cute Unicorn, oh no!)

"Sit tight, hold on! Deep breath! Ready on! We're going! So, what!!???"

Sorry, if I do something wrong (in english, rude maybe, or... or... whatever!) or mistaken something! I just, uh you know, learning!

Thanks for the one who follow on my topic, (or it's just me? lol!) Subcribe to my video channel on Youtube for more game progress and Trolling girl BSes! For some ohohow!

Sorry, if I do something wrong (in english, rude maybe, or... or... whatever!) or mistaken something! I just, uh you know, learning!


Not abusive part, only LOLs and Funny! Really, no ABUSIVE thingy!

Sorry, if I do something wrong (in english, rude maybe, or... or... whatever!) or mistaken something! I just, uh you know, learning!

Damn, no offense but I have a really hard time understanding what you are talking about.

You should always go straight to the point and for the love of whatever there is up there don't use so much onomatopeia (ah! oh! uggh!), this is just annoying and confusing as hell! And cut the useless chatter >< ! The less there is to read, the better! The attention span on internet is hugely low, if you want people to take time reading you, give them the important informations right away! (I have the impression of reading an annoying anime little sister character. And I always want to smack these kind of character)

Don't hesitate to create a new thread of contacting a moderator (I guess they wouldn't mind, surely) if you want to know more how to better interact with this forum :)

Anyway, back to the topic. Basicaly you are asking users to send you by mails items for your game, and you would pay them. (200 to 10000...dollars O_o?) This system kind of already exist and it's called free lance artists biggrin.png

So yeah, great idea. After all, working for other in exchange of a certain amount of currency is one of the starting point of the civilization smile.png

Just kidding, I guess you had in mind something more like the steam workshop? In this case in can be a good idea, but it requires an already popular game and also easy to use tools, in order to allow any user to create something even without good graphic ability, and also to have a graphical consistency.

Need your support by +1-ing my post

People will +1-ing, as you said, your post if they find it useful. It's pointless and stupid asking. People will more likely -1-ing you if you keep asking or multi-posting without good reasons -_-'

I'll recommend to always ask yourself before posting: Does my new post answers a question of the original post? Does my new post brings new informations that were needed? If your answer is No and No, then don't post. Doing otherwise is just stupid and useless.

Hey, don't steal my idea

I pretty sure there is already an article about why people won't "steal" other's idea...

Okay, maybe it's enough! All copyright belong to their own represctive, or ah! Whatever! Oh, right and the religy thing! All good thing came up from the gods, with their or your own religy, (not the wrong thing one!) And all mistake (not all, hehe) came up from me!


Yoyo Games I mean, but please don't talk like that! Please your smile and I like/miss your "Don't feel bad, yea?" like that, but ok, thanks for your feedback, ugh (oh, no again!) bit sad for your words :(

Sorry, if I do something wrong (in english, rude maybe, or... or... whatever!) or mistaken something! I just, uh you know, learning!

Oh, I know it's common, but at least it's SHARING, y'know! ugh, eh! please be less ugh-y, what you say? onomatopeia, yeah! But thing like yea! or cool! still tolerated right? I hope so... thanks :( you make me BIT sad :( *sob* oh right missing something, ohohow!

Sorry, if I do something wrong (in english, rude maybe, or... or... whatever!) or mistaken something! I just, uh you know, learning!


Hey, don't steal my idea

Ideas are plentiful and useless. Implementation of an idea is rare. There is nothing to steal here.

Damn, no offense but I have a really hard time understanding what you are talking about.

Me, too. I'm almost certain that trying to understand it will confuse me more. If your interpretation is correct:

Basicaly you are asking users to send you by mails items for your game, and you would pay them.

I smell either a scam or a waste of time.


Okay it's now pure edited 3 time so it's hastag #3, just edit some error on code, so steady on! Oh, crap! Which part? I forget, should find it! Steady on!

Oh, right got this from nowhere but my silly thinking (but now I'm thinking about Pyroland with some creepy cute Unicorn, oh no!)

"Sit tight, hold on! Deep breath! Ready on! We're going! So, what!!???"

What is happening here? I feel I've entered the Black Lodge in Twin Peaks and this is all symbolic information about future events.

People will +1-ing, as you said, your post if they find it useful.

And I did not.

Indie games are what indie movies were in the early 90s -- half-baked, poorly executed wastes of time that will quickly fall out of fashion. Now go make Minecraft with wizards and watch the dozen or so remakes of Reservior Dogs.

i know your writing in English, but this is all gibberish to me.

Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

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