
Any good tutorial for side scrolling shooter game with Game Maker: Studio? Or anyone here teaching me?

Started by July 16, 2014 09:33 AM
1 comment, last by Adi Satria 10 years, 6 months ago

The game will be side scroll shooter (but there's sword fight too!) for android, made with Game Maker: Studio. Anyone know a good tutorial? Or want to teaching me? Or helping me too? Hehe rolleyes.gif, I'm just starting this project... alone (with friends, but they just tester and idea giver, uh y'know...).

Sorry, if I do something wrong (in english, rude maybe, or... or... whatever!) or mistaken something! I just, uh you know, learning!

I did a search on google for game maker side scroller tutorial. The top link is a 17 part YouTube series that walks you through step by step of making a... side scrolling shooter with GameMaker Studio. It had 43 upvotes and 1 downvote so I'll go ahead and recommend that. If you don't like that one, I strongly suggest digging through the other 19,000+ results and finding finding a series you like. A big part of game development (and programming in general) is learning how to do your own research.

There are about a blue-gillion "What do I do first?" threads on this site. Jump in! If you get stuck, try and figure it out yourself. If you're still stuck, ask for guidance then. We'll be happy to help at that point when you tell us the specific problem you're having and you tell us the steps you have already tried. Take a look at the beginner faq:

- Eck

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I did a search on google for game maker side scroller tutorial. The top link is a 17 part YouTube series that walks you through step by step of making a... side scrolling shooter with GameMaker Studio. It had 43 upvotes and 1 downvote so I'll go ahead and recommend that. If you don't like that one, I strongly suggest digging through the other 19,000+ results and finding finding a series you like. A big part of game development (and programming in general) is learning how to do your own research.

There are about a blue-gillion "What do I do first?" threads on this site. Jump in! If you get stuck, try and figure it out yourself. If you're still stuck, ask for guidance then. We'll be happy to help at that point when you tell us the specific problem you're having and you tell us the steps you have already tried. Take a look at the beginner faq:

- Eck

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Thanks! It really help! I will get it "check it out!" Really really thanks! Oh, one more! Any idea on resolution? Eh, is this game maker studio? Oh, forget that! I'm checking it in!

Sorry, if I do something wrong (in english, rude maybe, or... or... whatever!) or mistaken something! I just, uh you know, learning!

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