
DirectX 11: Draw instanced and rotation question

Started by July 09, 2014 09:22 AM
1 comment, last by kauna 10 years, 6 months ago

I want to draw the same model on different locations in the world. I know I can do this with the DrawIndexedInstanced function, but if I want to rotate one or some of these objects by 45°, 80°, 251° etc., how can I do it? Do I have to create multiple Instance buffers and rotate the model to the specified angle and draw the instance buffer 1, then rotate again and draw instance buffer 2 etc.? Or is there a simplier way? Programming language is C++.


PS: Sorry for my bad english, if it was really as bad as I think it was :D

You can do it several ways. You can stream in the angle with the location, or load an array of angles (and locations, for that matter) in a constant buffer, accessing the angle with the instance ID.

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.


Or store a full transform matrix for each mesh in a constant buffer or generic buffer object and index it with the InstanceID. The transform matrix is maybe simpler than just working with positions and rotations.


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