
Game Engine for Photo-realistic Simulation (Unreal4 or Crytek)

Started by July 07, 2014 06:16 PM
2 comments, last by Mausoom 10 years, 6 months ago


I am looking for a Game engine which can help me create a village simulation. I want to get photo-realistic outdoors ,indoors and vegetation.

I am new to this 3d field but I am skilled in C++, OpenCl, Cuda and Image Processing. Please suggest which game Engine should I use, Unreal4 or Crytek3?

Please share any other tips that you might have as well. It will be of huge help.



Both engines are perfectly capable of being able to pump out photo-realistic graphics, adjusting/adding shaders/materials to your liking is probably a must if the standard ones don't fit the bill.

Compare the 2 side by side and see which one suits your personal liking the best, both in terms of how everything will look out of the box if you don't want to change anything drastically shader/material wise and if you are comfortable programming with any limitations you might encounter. Or if time is off the essence, if you can work better in one or the other.

Keep in mind that an engine with the proper shaders/materials is just one part of getting the photo-realistic results. You will need to have proper 3D models and textures before anything will shine.

AFAIK, the EAAS version of CryEngine doesn't let you write your own shaders, so you'd want to subscribe for a month to evaluate if it's built-in shaders/rendering systems suit your needs.

I am getting the drift that Unreal4 is the right choice for me. Am I Correct?

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