SDL Keyboard input
void Game::GameLoop()
while (!quit && sdl_setup->GetMainEvent()->type != SDL_QUIT)
//float angle = atan2(Follow_Point_Y - player->GetY(), Follow_PointX - player->GetX());
//angle = angle * (180/3.14);
if(sdl_setup->GetMainEvent()->type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
case SDLK_w:
moveUp = true;
case SDLK_s:
moveDown = true;
case SDLK_a:
moveLeft = true;
case SDLK_d:
moveRight = true;
if(sdl_setup->GetMainEvent()->type == SDL_KEYUP)
switch(sdl_setup->GetMainEvent()->key.keysym.sym )
case SDLK_w:
std::cout GetX() + 1);
// moveRight = false;
A typical game loop looks something like this:
while running:
event e
while nextEvent(&e):
Thanks for response! Your suggestion did fix my problem however now I am getting a weird bug when if I just simply move character it works fine and then suddenly it just keeps going into random direction as if SDL did not notice that I release the button (SDL_KEYUP). In order to interrupt my character from moving uncontrollably I have to tap the button twice for sdl to register the SDL_KEYUP. At first I thought my keyboard was glitched so I rebind-ed the buttons. Same thing. I checked everywhere but I think I am doing something totally wrong with event handling. Any suggestions? (updated)
If you are using this code: as your base: please don't. it is making a huge mess of things.
the sdl_setup::begin method gets a single event from the queue and stores it as mainevent (which is then returned by all calls to GetMainEvent) and clears the renderer(big wtf), it also discards the return value from SDL_PollEvent, there is no way to use that wrapper correctly since the wrapper itself is completely broken.
Just use standard SDL instead.
while(!quit) {
SDL_Event event;
while(SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) {
quit = event.type == SDL_QUIT;
//handle the rest of the events here
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
Thanks for response! Your suggestion did fix my problem however now I am getting a weird bug when if I just simply move character it works fine and then suddenly it just keeps going into random direction as if SDL did not notice that I release the button (SDL_KEYUP). In order to interrupt my character from moving uncontrollably I have to tap the button twice for sdl to register the SDL_KEYUP. At first I thought my keyboard was glitched so I rebind-ed the buttons. Same thing. I checked everywhere but I think I am doing something totally wrong with event handling. Any suggestions? (updated)
If you are using this code: as your base: please don't. it is making a huge mess of things.
the sdl_setup::begin method gets a single event from the queue and stores it as mainevent (which is then returned by all calls to GetMainEvent) and clears the renderer(big wtf), it also discards the return value from SDL_PollEvent, there is no way to use that wrapper correctly since the wrapper itself is completely broken.
Just use standard SDL instead.
while(!quit) {
SDL_Event event;
while(SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) {
quit = event.type == SDL_QUIT;
//handle the rest of the events here
Thanks a lot! Now it works perfect. I was actually following "Lets Make an RPG C++/SDL" tutorials on youtube but it appears that the code is exactly the same as the link you provided. Can you suggest a good resource to learn from or I should just stick to lazyfoo?
Thanks for response! Your suggestion did fix my problem however now I am getting a weird bug when if I just simply move character it works fine and then suddenly it just keeps going into random direction as if SDL did not notice that I release the button (SDL_KEYUP). In order to interrupt my character from moving uncontrollably I have to tap the button twice for sdl to register the SDL_KEYUP. At first I thought my keyboard was glitched so I rebind-ed the buttons. Same thing. I checked everywhere but I think I am doing something totally wrong with event handling. Any suggestions? (updated)
If you are using this code: as your base: please don't. it is making a huge mess of things.
the sdl_setup::begin method gets a single event from the queue and stores it as mainevent (which is then returned by all calls to GetMainEvent) and clears the renderer(big wtf), it also discards the return value from SDL_PollEvent, there is no way to use that wrapper correctly since the wrapper itself is completely broken.
Just use standard SDL instead.
while(!quit) {
SDL_Event event;
while(SDL_PollEvent(&event) != 0) {
quit = event.type == SDL_QUIT;
//handle the rest of the events here
Thanks a lot! Now it works perfect. I was actually following "Lets Make an RPG C++/SDL" tutorials on youtube but it appears that the code is exactly the same as the link you provided. Can you suggest a good resource to learn from or I should just stick to lazyfoo?
The Lazyfoo tutorials are fairly high quality so they would be a good choice, i would recommend avoiding video tutorials (videos are a bad format for tutorials).
Video lectures however work great, these are worth watching(Not game specific):
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!