Could explore bullet deflections off surfaces as well (a la Metal Gear Solid Ocelot battle).
I always thought it would be fun to have a weapon reload animation that seconds as a melee combat, a timing skilled melee. For example shoving the clip in an enemies mouth and pistol wiping him in the face to load the clip.
Getting a multiplier for piling enemies in the same spot would be kind of fun. Maybe against a robot enemy, piling them on a conveyor belt that dumps all the busted junk into a garbage trash compactor. The Sarah Connor multiplier.
Could use a multiplier for knocking back an enemy with a weapon, switching to another weapon while the enemy is stunned and knocking them back again and again with new weapons. The more weapons the player uses on the same enemy the higher the multiplier. The Whole Arsenal multiplier.
Rhythm based combat could be fun, killing to the beat, not only skill shots but landing the shots to the rhythm of bad-ass tunes.
The all too common remote controlled projectile, the batman games have this as do many shooters. The electricity weapon you spoke of could be a timed event requiring the player to pick enemies to chain the electricity to which an ever diminishing amount of time as it hits each individual or group of enemies.
Plenty of TPS action games give combos for air juggling. Bayonnetta comes to mind, again I haven't played it. Apparently this is a part of Bulletstorm as well.
Arena Commander the first module released for Star Citizen scores players for making skilled shots. Its a space sim but its first person as well and since each ship is comprised of litterally dozens of individual system and multiple sections of the ship that can be disabled and destroyed the player is awarded for "taking their enemy apart" or hitting key systems.
Kill streak combos and perks like Call of Duty
Environment kill combos, where the player is awarded for using destructible or triggered event involving the environment to make kills.
Slow down time, each kill slows down time, but each kill needs to be a bigger chain or a higher scored skill kill which could include anything above.