I wonder if anyone have any information on this? I have dipped my toes a bit into different platforms like Android and iOS and have a somewhat accrurate feeling about those markets (I think*). It seems like very crowded markets, but it is possible to do well, especially on iOS it seems. I have no idea or slightest clue though how platforms like Ouya, Windows Phone or Xbox live indie does in comparison. Have anyone here released on those platforms and have some information? It feels like you never hear anything about those platforms, but maybe that is just because I am not focusing on them.
Maybe someone have even released a game on all these platforms and know how they differed? For me personally it seems like in regards to revenue I would say I have experienced something like 70% on iOS and 30% on Android. I just wonder what that number would look like if I tried to release on the other platforms to... Do anyone have any information on what you can expect on these platforms compared? Do you feel they are worth porting your game over to?