What the title says, I am pretty new i know a little of HTML code, but i want to be able to create a game that I am able to edit character them taking clothes off, moving it by hand, fixing there hair, able to shoot there guns, kinda like APB Reloaded style, but mostly about the customizations. I was hoping I would find an engine that is able to be capable of doing this kind of stuff, I have all my ideas set and written in a book.
Mostly what I am looking for is;
-Realistic freedom of motion of doing anything to your char
-Being able to take your clothes off and drop them on the floor while seeing your character do it.
-Having to be able to create a map.
-Tall buildings and being able to open doors to some of them.
-The ability to set up missions/objectives to the players liking of choice but not forced.
-Also the ability to customize clothing to there liking and placement ie. able to cut it, draw, place already made items on the clothes, etc.