I wrote about an idea of a Fantasy Guild Simulation game here about 2 months ago and I have been working on it on and off and kind of hit a brickwall. I can't find the fun factor in it at the moment.
So here is the idea so far.
The main premise for the game is that you control a guild of fantasy-based heroes, mages, knight etc. They work for you to help finish quest that towns have. The game is fully text-based at the moment, similar to that of "Long live the queen".
The game operates in on a day-basis. Each day begins by you looking at what have happen the previous day, collect the rewards from town and returning the heroes back to town. After that you decide what you want each hero to do for that day. Those that are still on mission will not be assignable. After that you "end the day/turn" and the world will simulate your decision and cycle continues.
Towns provides various type of quests. Some requires you to slain various type of monsters in various places, or gather certain amount of items from various places.
You can send heroes to locations to "explore" them, allowing you to kill monsters or gather stuffs from there. Combat will occur when you encounter enemy and will be resolved automatically.
Combat resolution is done using a ActionPoint/Speed system, like most FF title, except that instead of you choosing the moves that the unit will perform, they will choose randomly, or based on their traits. For example, if a character has a "Thrifty", he will more than likely choose a skill that cost him less energy, or if a character is "Flashy", he will more likely to choose skill that is more specular.
The other thing you can do is to train the heroes. This do not gain you gold/resources but improve the character faster. However, they generally don't like to train since they also don't get gold if they don't go out on mission.
Heroes with specific skill can also create items; Weapon making or potion brewing for example. The quality of the item that is made is also depend on the skill of the unit.
So far I have implemented basic exploration of places, a simple combat resolution, and some basic recruitment stuffs. I implemented them mostly using curses instead of a graphics library.
There are a few problems that I realized after playing a bit of the game. Firstly, it seems fun to watch your character grow at first, but there are no way to see how much they have grow.
Take Pokemon/FF game for example. They have a simple combat system and as your pokemon/char grow, they learn new skills and you directly see the impact of this growth. In this simulation game, since the combat is automatic, the feedback is not that obvious. If you can't see the impact of the growth of the characters, then the growth fun factor isn't that fun anymore.
On top of that, it seems like this game has only 1 core feedback loop and it is not as fun as I thought it would be. All you seems to do is sending units on missions, train/upgrade units, then send them on more missions.
So the question for fellow game developers are
1) Do you think the game I describe have any audiences ?
2) How would you improve to solve the problem I mentioned ?
I really like this idea but I can't see myself enjoying it, at least not with the problems I mentioned. I might be too close to it to see the "fun", so I hope you guys can give me some feedback on what I have now.
(I did thought about using a non-automatic combat resolution, like FF-tactics or as simple as traditional turn based combat. However, I realized the core part of the game is character building and not combat/tactics. Having the player directly control the combat will shift the time that the player spend on management stuffs from 100% to about 15 ~ 20%, meaning the combat will take up most of the player's time. Each day will be longer, since after you decide what you want to do and where you want to explore, you will have to spend even more time resolving them.)