The polarizers need to be set randomly to insure that no classical interaction can happen between the polarizers when the interaction takes place.Because of this restriction, you need to analyze the resulting data with Bell's Theorem (A statistics theorem, not a physics theorem)
Complicating for no reason. Polarization angles do not need to be set at random, it does not make any difference. The experiment can be confirmed in two easy steps 2 or 3, and 4, like this:
3.) Malus's law probability (30deg) -> cos(15)*cos(15) = 0.933
Coin 1 chance Heads: 93.3%, Tails: 6.7%
Coin 2 chance Heads: 93.3%, Tails: 6.7%
Chance of MATCH: (H1&H2 | T1&T2) = (0.933 * 0.933) + (0.067 * 0.067) = 0.875
Chance of MISMCH: (T1&H2 | H1&T2) = (0.067 * 0.933) + (0.933 * 0.067) = 0.125
Correlation = MATCH - MISMCH = 0.875 - 0.125 = 0.755
Discordance = 1 - correlation = 0.245 = 25%
4.) Malus's law probability (60deg) -> cos(30)*cos(30) = 0.75
Coin 1 chance Heads: 75%, Tails: 25%
Coin 2 chance Heads: 75%, Tails: 25%
Chance of MISMCH: (H1&H2 | T1&T2) = (0.75 * 0.75) + (0.25 * 0.25) = 0.625
Chance of MISMCH: (T1&H2 | H1&T2) = (0.25 * 0.75) + (0.75 * 0.25) = 0.375
Correlation = MATCH - MISMCH = 0.625 - 0.375 = 0.25
Discordance = 1 - correlation = 0.75 = 75%
No paranormal "non-locality" or any mystery here. It's simple local probability just like tossing two coins.
I can confirm, using that same excel sheet as before, that this is the case. I used 75% and 25% for my tests, and ran them 50 times. The closes I could get to violating was a value of 1.25, which is still below 2.
You do not use 75% and 25%, those are results. You use Malus's law to get the probablilty for the relative angle of polarization and the result simply follows from there, see above.
What this means is that something about our initial assumptions is wrong. Any of the following can be true
1) The photons can share information faster than light
2) The photons only collapse to a single polarization at the polarizer
3) Reality is determined 100%, forwards and backwards. You cannot set the polarizer randomly, and the Photons know the future
4) Information can travel backwards in time, so the settings of the polarizer are known when the Photons are created.
5) Every possible outcome actually happens, but you only experience one at a time (Many Worlds)
Most physicists say 2 is the simplest, and therefore best, explanation. Part of me wonders about 4, because things moving at light speed don't experience time, But that's enough learning on my end for one day.
Statistical solution obtained by the algorithm as well as exact solution from the probability equation, clearly demonstrate the simple mechanics of the experimental results and explain why and how they actually come to be, without need to hallucinate any metaphysical, magical or other superstitious crap. It's a simple matter of chances and odds, natural probability and local causality, statistical certainty. We are not living in a Harry Potter movie, this is REALITY. Wake up people!!