Redis will have that issue, Riak , Cassanda, Dynamo won't.
I have two questions:
1) Have you actually tried it? I've measured those document stores pretty extensively, and I concluded they're not up to that task. Probably because they're not designed for that task. You might as well say that Oracle and DB/2 can scale here, too, because they also support distributed transactions.
2) If you get "horizontal scalability" but at the cost of 1,000x less individual efficiency, then do you think that a business based on that will actually survive? The reason it works for web is that 99.9% of the time, cross-user interaction at low latency isn't important. For games, 99.9% of the time, it is important.
Or, to put it another way: Do you think that Google Talk/Hangouts, or Microsoft Messenger, or Skype, use "web technologies" for the real-time chat parts? Do you think the brokering of an AIM message goes through Cassandra?
#1. Yes. Up to what task specifically? Speaking of Riak, since I have the most experience with it. Assuming you have adequate provisioning, it's fast enough to write/read within a single frame from server <--> ring, several; depending on how your cluster is set up, if you're using TCP, PB, or a custom Infiband driver. We're not talking concrete numbers here and that significantly impacts the nature of the discussion we're having, so please use some if you're going to attempt to refute every claim. This discussion requires context, state your perception of "loose physics", because it's possible given the correct constraints.
Oracle <-> Riak/Cassandra/Dynamo is a false equivalence, Distributed transactions in Oracle are about forwarding across data layers, Distribution across a Riak cluster is about providing fault tolerance and improving read access through denormalization. So no, I may very well not say that, because it is false.
#2. You're providing an extremely exaggerated number bordering on reductio ad absurdum. In the context of comparing it to Redis. It's an order of 2-3x average case, order of magnitude in worse cases, without application specific optimizations. Which again, depending on the latency tolerance of a particular application, may very well be acceptable in exchange for the ability to scale to hundreds of thousands to millions of users efficiently(at least as far as storage/retrieval go). If you're business teetering on the brink because managing 10 servers versus 3-4 is the breaking point(or 100 vs 40...or whatever scale you choose for that ratio), then your problems as a business are elsewhere, in marketing, sales, market fit...etc. Cause operation costs should not impact your survivability at those ratios.
As to the last point, I'm not even trying to argue that, but the question is "How much?" If your latency tolerance is above X, then these techniques can work. If it's not, than they won't, and I've never claimed otherwise. So you have to determine what that number is for your application before you can discuss techniques.
#3. No of course I don't. I fail to see the value in this assertion, you're making an absurd claim as to what I believe is feasible by comparing voice/video systems that have hard lock-step synchronized real-time constraints vs the soft real-time constraints we're discussing and that are common to a lot of games(including traditional MMOs).
I'm not making any claims that the things I've said are the best techniques in the world for every occasion, but you seem to be arguing that because they don't fit a very specific criteria for particular type of undefined game, that their value is near useless. Which is "throwing the baby out with the bathwater".
Frankly, I no longer think this is a constructive conversation amongst peers, and will avoid further participation due to professionalism.