I'll reiterate my earlier cynicism: in the realtime massive distributed space, until you have millions of players running on Solution X, you can't believe any claims about whether or not Solution X is actually feasible.
Even the leading experts in this stuff have a hard time predicting how well something will scale. If it hasn't been shown to successfully host a nontrivial simulation with a very large number of concurrent players, it may as well not exist.
I could say this is very true (it is not even cynism but calm understanding) and it spans over whole programming, prepare for some words of wisdom:
though programming seem to be very logical activity, very big amounts of factors are always outside of your logical enfolding, in other words there are many factors which impacts on the outcome of your work but you do not know how they work * (often you even dont know what they are) - you could controll the known ones but only accept the presence of unknown ones - your more working test is experience here, as experience takes into account both the factors (those logically controllable and those unknown), (also extrapolation in thought (not thought, but extrapolation of it) rarely works though it is common human mind error)
* there are of course domains more predictable and those less predictable, ** mainly the more predictable ones are things that you was already doing (are deep into), not much predictable are the things you are yet not doing - but in general imo the majority of things people do are really strongly unpredictable/unexpected
** may seem that those more logical domains as hard algorithms are more predictable than those with not so logically controllable as a team work (why it is working gooda and why not etc) but in reality i think even those hard algorithms can be unexpected at it is always some way of looking on it from unexpected side that it will change your view again
(so this was small thoughts/essay on (un)predictability ;o )