Hey guys!
I recently finished three new tracks for the Antilia MMO. I hope you enjoy them:
This track is specifically written for the building mode in the Anitilia MMO video game. It has a slightly different feel with more momentum and less mood/space than some of the other tracks. The alto flute is replaced with a different, wooden flute. I hope you enjoy it!
This track is specifically written for the building mode in the Anitilia MMO video game. It has a slightly different feel with more momentum and less mood/space than some of the other tracks. Unlike Gathering Resources, which uses a different flute, the alto flute returns for this track. Staking your claim in the wilderness is a difficult but hopeful endeavor.
This track is specifically written for the building mode in the Anitilia MMO video game. It differs from the other two building mode tracks (Gathering Resources and Stake Your Claim) because it assumes more of the pacing, mood and instrumentation found in much of the rest of the soundtrack. The alto flute, again, carries much of the melody while the strings and brass create harmonies with swelling chords and counter lines. I hope you like it!