
"The Saga Begins" a new film style song by me.

Started by June 09, 2014 12:59 AM
1 comment, last by tonaliT 10 years, 7 months ago

Hey, YoungProdigy here. I recently wrote a short song called "The Saga Begins". It's my attempt at modern film music. It could even be used in a modern AAA game.

You can listen to it here:

Not bad. I wouldn't give away the full chord progression right away though. Did you find that it was hard to change to something different after so long? I suggest more build up before navigating the progression and exploring variations in sound. For example, build up the song using only the first chord in the progression for a few measures and see what naturally surfaces. Music is very much the same as emergent design. If you box yourself in too quickly, you miss out on a lot of cool stuff.


Pretty nice, buddy! It's a great start, but the progression gets a bit boring after a little while - I'd recommend shoving an interupted cadence in there (maybe at about 40 secs) to move the idea further becasue otherwise the song sort of just stays in one place and lacks movement. Variation in chord progression is essential for this style of music. ;)

Also, I know it isn't finished so this probably hasn't been looked at, the EQ could use a bit more high end to bring out the horn's power! It's a bit subdued at the moment, don't be afraid to make it louder! :)

Best of luck! :D

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