
what is most difficult in programming to you?

Started by June 03, 2014 01:35 PM
58 comments, last by _the_phantom_ 10 years, 8 months ago

This is just my perspective, I can't speak for anyone else, and I don't claim to be the objective holder of all truth.

Posting a discussion topic that consists entirely of "." is easy to perceive as being very rude. It gives the impression that you can't be bothered to explain what you want to discuss. It implies that you don't want to invest effort in the conversation, but just be showered with other people's contributions.

I'm not saying that these are true about you, I'm just telling you what kind of impression you are making on the community.

Be aware that this is all your imagination and nothing more, this is some break of some rule of discipline of clear mind and thought (not to invent such many of false assumptions - this way you can make up a whole fictious universe from my dot as you already began to do

It is also not an answer to my question what is a trouble with multidirectional questions - i see it in the second part but will answer arter a while

In your opinion, the focus is the question you asked in the thread title. Let me explain why I think you're wrong.

A conversation is like a series of line segments. It may shift direction, even double back entirely, or whatever. But each section of conversation leads to the next, even if there is a difference in where the two connected line segments are going.

What you have done is drop a single point on the plane, and asked people to create a discussion. But you didn't provide a second point to create that first line segment. So anyone can come in and start creating line segments that start from your "focus point" but actually just shoot off in random directions.

Instead of a series of connected topics that organically progress over time, you just get a giant fuzz ball of people talking all over the place without actually saying anything to anyone.

That's why your definition of "multidirection" is in fact equivalent to my personal definition of "completely directionless." A topic without direction is useless, and we generally don't like that kind of thing here.

Its half right - I may agree that this kind of question forms some kind of a star graph (many answers to one point, some kind of parallel not sequential)

But you make false assumption when you think that it have to prograss over time or create a discussion or something like that this is more like poll, massive interview - it is also not fuzz ball of talking nothing to anyone this is just okay questions with okay answers

1) why you think it have to/must form the discussion of other form?

I do not understand it - could you explain?

2) why you think this is talking nothing to anyone ? for me it is okay answers to ok question, - could you explain?

last paragraph you repeat that this is directionless but i still do not understod what directionless is here, Maybe it is about your own feeling of direction that differs from my own - but you not specified this so i could understand that your feeling of direction,

I suspect you are in specific mindset so you have this feel of direction - i would eben be interesting to understand it to me


It is also not an answer to my question what is a trouble with multidirectional questions

There isn't anything wrong with a question that tackles multiple fronts. However you failed to ask such a question.

Here is a question framed in a multi-directional manner: "Where do you have difficulties in programming, and why do you think this is, and how do you deal with it?"
Here's what you asked: "what is most difficult in programming to you?"

Again, I really hope you can see the difference. And in looking at them, I ask you not to look at your own question knowing what it was you intended to ask, but how the question looks to everyone else in the world who is not you. You may have intended to be asking multiple things, and you may think you have, but you haven't.

edit: Since you posted again before I replied:

But you make false assumption when you think that it have to prograss over time or create a discussion or something like that

It's not a false assumption. It's the job of ApochPiQ and the other moderators here to ensure that forum threads do flow in a meaningful manner as that is the purpose of a discussion board (or at least of this one anyway). Unless you think you know better than the moderators here of how the forum should be run?

to be honest i do not understand why some may have something against such multidirection topics - does they accept only one direction topics (i mean topics with supposed one and only exact answer) ? caould someone explain this?

The problem with your original post is that it does not promote discussion. What happens when people ask questions the way you did is that everyone just answers the question without discussing the answers that previous posters have given. Go back and read through the thread and you'll see that the only real discussion between people is the talk about the thread itself. Nobody is discussing the actual topic (apart from a couple of people who simply agreed with someone else), because you never asked anyone to discuss anything.

I see quite dirrefent thing - many people (about 10 probably) gave answers and proved they understood what i was asking without inventing non quite existant problems - then some began to invent this false* problems (imo more psychological than logical, but not a problem for me - i am a voter for general open attitude and not making false problems attitude )

* I call it false becouse for me this is unnecessary siome kind of invented problem i realy do not understand what can be a problem here (Im pity for that, maybe Im a little dumb ? buy really i got no clue what some of people like you are talking about and got no sufficient explanation to make me understood)

It is also not an answer to my question what is a trouble with multidirectional questions

There isn't anything wrong with a question that tackles multiple fronts. However you failed to ask such a question.

Here is a question framed in a multi-directional manner: "Where do you have difficulties in programming, and why do you think this is, and how do you deal with it?"
Here's what you asked: "what is most difficult in programming to you?"

Again, I really hope you can see the difference. And in looking at them, I ask you not to look at your own question knowing what it was you intended to ask, but how the question looks to everyone else in the world who is not you. You may have intended to be asking multiple things, and you may think you have, but you haven't.

It was intentional to ask this question in such form : "what is most difficult in programming to you?"

Imo this kind of question may give a broader set of answers - and this was intentional - seem we disagree that i consider it good and you consider it bad (and i do not know why you consider it bad)

It seems that some people do not like broad questions maybe (syill dont know why) but i like them

Here is a question framed in a multi-directional manner: "Where do you have difficulties in programming, and why do you think this is, and how do you deal with it?"

Here's what you asked: "what is most difficult in programming to you?"

Again, I really hope you can see the difference.

I really dont. The only thing i see is that the my shorter question is much better, says much more i had on mind when asking

I think it my be wise considering a programing as a field with large group pf topisc where some are more difficult other are easier, In this kind of attitude you may by closer to this domain maybe - so it may be usefull to discuss this, what is moderately hard and what is really hard

If you are navbie you may do not know what is really hard, for example using the language or api you may find hard, but later I discovered that using the language and api mostly is an easier part (sadly) and there comes the bigger hurdles -and i was asking what it is,

PS this is going maybe to much out topic but maybe as a last thought: in general when measuring ratio od oldschool stright technical writings like speciffic assemblu opcodes spesiffic architecture details specyfic algorithm details full of source code

agains the other more psychological topics this forum is much more psychological than oldschool ones full of low level stuf - Im not sure is this is bad or good - probably this source and architecture stuff is more creative but anywat this all goes psychological here also with some reasons


If you are navbie you may do not know what is really hard, for example using the language or api you may find hard, but later I discovered that using the language and api mostly is an easier part (sadly) and there comes the bigger hurdles -and i was asking what it is,

The thing is, see, I'd say that all of programming is child's play compared to navigating the politics of software development.

And I remain unsure whether that sort of thing is covered by your vague topic...

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

The only thing i see is that the my shorter question is much better, says much more i had on mind when asking

Unfortunately, the rest of us are not mind readers, so we can't take a few words and construct your intentions from it. You have to communicate with us.

I see quite dirrefent thing - many people (about 10 probably) gave answers and proved they understood what i was asking without inventing non quite existant problems

Yes we all understand the simple question and everyone was able to tell you what they found difficult. But what have you learnt from this? That everyone is different? Surely you should know this already. You stated at one point that people could discuss how they overcome there difficulties. But nobody has, and do you know why? It's because you never asked anyone to. All you asked them to do was list their difficulties, and that's what they did, and nothing was learnt.

If you want meaningful responses form people, you need to initiate the discussion yourself, and the fact that there has been no real discussion proves that you failed to do so.

seem we disagree that i consider it good and you consider it bad (and i do not know why you consider it bad)

I don't consider broad questions to be good or bad, they can be both depending on how they are asked. You asked a broad question poorly so the responses to it are not of much use. Had you constructed a better broad question there may have been some actual discussion.

but later I discovered that using the language and api mostly is an easier part (sadly) and there comes the bigger hurdles -and i was asking what it is,

The problem however, is that you didn't ask that.

If you are navbie you may do not know what is really hard, for example using the language or api you may find hard, but later I discovered that using the language and api mostly is an easier part (sadly) and there comes the bigger hurdles -and i was asking what it is,

The thing is, see, I'd say that all of programming is child's play compared to navigating the politics of software development.

And I remain unsure whether that sort of thing is covered by your vague topic...

well i am now lost, whats is wrong with my question, maybe this metasuscussion is going to long

alll in all, you could understand this question as you like it to understand, you have something interesting to say, say it, if no dont say it,-that would be all in this simple case

I like this. I love how your opinions are factual and true and your perspective is unarguably correct, and everyone who disagrees with you is fabricating lies and falsehoods specifically to persecute you.

Have fun with that, I'm out.

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]

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