This is just my perspective, I can't speak for anyone else, and I don't claim to be the objective holder of all truth.
Posting a discussion topic that consists entirely of "." is easy to perceive as being very rude. It gives the impression that you can't be bothered to explain what you want to discuss. It implies that you don't want to invest effort in the conversation, but just be showered with other people's contributions.
I'm not saying that these are true about you, I'm just telling you what kind of impression you are making on the community.
Be aware that this is all your imagination and nothing more, this is some break of some rule of discipline of clear mind and thought (not to invent such many of false assumptions - this way you can make up a whole fictious universe from my dot as you already began to do
It is also not an answer to my question what is a trouble with multidirectional questions - i see it in the second part but will answer arter a while