
[Composer] Matt O'Haira's first Lp needs Feedback

Started by June 03, 2014 09:52 AM
2 comments, last by MattOHaira 10 years, 8 months ago

Hello! My name is Matt O'Haira, I'm a composer, professional guitar player, multi-instrumentist and audio designer and producer, and I've just released my first Lp as videogame composer: ''Excerpts From a Strange Videobrain''.

Several genres can be found: 80's electro, instrumental rock, ambient experimental and many more...

You can download the full Lp here:

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!



Since it's video game music I'm just trying to figure out where you intended for these pieces to be used. Did you have a certain place in a game in mind when writing these?

aside from that, they sound pretty cool! They're a tad repetitive as each song seems to just stay on a single or few set of chords throughout its duration (which is probably a bit too long for some of the songs). The only other thing I noticed was that there was too much reverb on the drums in some of the songs (like Ciberpunk Lightning) which somewaht takes away from the crispness of techno music.

Aside from those few things it's pretty fantastic! :)

Wanted takes the cake for me; it sounds like a song by The Shadows which is always awesome! Good job! :D


Matt I love your stuff. Cyberpunk Lightning/Buildings on Acid sounds a lot like something Frank Klepacki would put together for a Command and Conquer game. Both are very engaging. Not This Place reminded me of Silent Hill 2 ost. In particular, this, but I think yours wins honestly. The mod wahh could probably be turned down, it's a bit abrasive at the moment. QCF + P would be cool for a monster truck game, but it doesn't fit my needs personally for a fighting theme. Great track though. I didn't really understand the transition at 2:40, it was basically two different tracks. The second part here though reminded me of Devil May Cry... Running in Darkness sounds like something you might hear in a fighting game, but could have so SO many uses. Wanted could fit a theme like Grand Theft Auto and obviously a more western game, really awesome track there Matt. The Anchor could fit avenues like The Last of Us sound track or other cinematic type games, but the ambiance you found in that song reminds me a bit of some of blended guitar and reverb of the Diablo 2 ost. Good stuff, make more.

Thanks for your opinions guys! Yes, I had some genres of games in my mind when composing them.
Ciberpunk: was intended for a Cyberpunk game, something futuristic, it's the first electronic song I composed though I am more into rock.
Buildings: is made thinking on a psychedelic dark game...
Not this place: as Keith G told was inspired to be on a Survival Horror, like Silent Hill, also influenced by Killer7 ost (I'm glad you like it!)
Old Brick: is for dark retro stuff.
QCF+P: was made for a fighting game opening or the music during a fight.
Running in Darkness: was thought to a Survival Horror too, like a chase in the dark, with the boss appearing and dissapearing.
Wanted: I made this thinking about Red Dead Redemption, surf music and Morricone's music.
The Anchor: could serve many purposes, it's like a symphonic rock piece. I love that you thought about using it on The Last of Us, a precious game.

Thank you for taking your time, I'll Keep Composing!

Rock and Roll!

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