
Should I make a simple game in Unity before moving on to big stuff?

Started by May 24, 2014 01:07 PM
2 comments, last by cozzie 10 years, 8 months ago

Hey there, I want to make a neat game but first I have decided to make a very simple and basic game in Unity 3D.

Is my idea a good one? And, how simple shoould the game be? ( Or how complex?)

Yes, that is definitively a good idea. Starting with a big project is a recipe for disaster.

With no indication about your current level in programming, and what you can actually do, it's pretty much impossible to answer reliably but the general idea is to start with something as simple as possible, and iterate over it.


Unity IS big stuff! LOL

Use Unity 2D first. Make a few single player 2D games. Next make a couple multiplayer games. Learn how to deploy this on different hardware. The 3D stages would be after you have made 3-5 of the 2D games.

Make sure to create several non-game applications before you start to develop games. I recommend completing some kind of book or online course, too.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

I fully agree, first finish a small game, never under estimate finishing a game at all. Including game states, a menu, levels, credits, audio, etc. (maybe even an end boss :))

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