
Sequential Impulse Solver and Sliding Contacts

Started by May 21, 2014 07:01 AM
19 comments, last by Finalspace 10 years, 8 months ago

I got the restitution working now, use the exact same formula as box2d but with included separation bias like this:

// Setup a velocity bias position correction and restitution
contact.velocityBias = -this.baumGarte * dtInv * Math.min(0.0, -contact.penetration + this.allowedPenetration);
var velAlongNormal = math.vec2Dot(contact.normal, relVelocity);
if (velAlongNormal < -this.velocityThreshold) {
  contact.velocityBias += -contact.restitution * velAlongNormal;

But i have another issue now regarding the tangent impulse... The normal impulse method is incredible stable, even without warm starting / contact caching, but the tangent impulse causes extreme rotation - in a really weird way (I created a seperated thread for this, see:

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