Hello everyone, apologies for been my first thread! Normally i would create more thread or simply help other but in this case, i have No real knowledge when it comes to game programming. Now i do have a few questions that will benefit me for when i begin designing my game!
The language of my choice will be C++. I already know the basics of java very well as well as c# but i from constant reading and researching, i've been instructed to use c++ for game programming. Now i'm heading myself towards a desktop platform nothing else (maybe mobile in the future with libgdx on java "Android")! I'm currently learning c++ but i have a good grasp of basics since programming in general seems to be the same on most object oriented languages. By the way don't quote me on anything lol i might be wrong. My IDE of choice is Visual Studio Pro 2012.
I plan to create an RPG base game. I don't need it to be online, just a simple single player rpg game. I'm heading towards a 2D game base. So here are my questions:
1. Is c++ a language to use for creating my small RPG (small for now but will expand later)
2. What library can i use ? I'm looking for a simple 2D game
3. What books or reference should i read when looking into creating a game?
4. Looking for a Pixel Retro look
I've read that, i should first master the basics of set language, then learn the API of the library for the game. That will hopefully help me create a game, however, i'm not sure whether that method is actually an accurate way of learning to create simple 2D games.
Any question or doubt, please ask! I'm learning so i'd appreciate all the criticism and aid!
Hopefully once i understand Game Programming logic, i'll be able to assist new beginners.
PS: I dont care about graphics, audio etc. Since most of it will be use from 3rd parties. What i mean is, my game wont be for commercial use, it will be for personal and educational use. Personal since i'm a Hard Core RPG fan. However im very picky on the type of RPG i like! I like "Tales series RPG" & "FInal Fantasy RPG"! Every other RPG i dislike! I was planning of creating an RPG game of my choice that fits my likes and needs!
So yeah anything is appreciate and helpful! I'll periodically check back every 2 hours! Thanks