I am looking for ways to generate a random tile map out of prebuild pieces, much like diablo 2 and Dungeons of Dredmore do. I have prebuild sets of 8x8 for corridors and small rooms, and for larger rooms i need 16x16, 24x24 and perhaps 32x32 sets. Some rooms will hold quest pieces like bosses or artifacts, most probably i will do this with color values on images. The picture below shows just entrances in pink and passable area in black.
I have been looking into mazes and translate these mazes to these prefab pieces. So if i generate a 16x16 maze it will give me a 128x128 map. Each maze tile will translate to a corresponding prefabricated piece.
Some characteristics:
- I do not want to many dead ends since this might frustrate the player.
- The mazes i looked for are "dense", every tile is used. This is ok for some maps but some need to be less dense.
- I need some maps to have the entrances/exits at the edge and some within the map but some distance appart.
- I need to insert special rooms that hold treasure, quest items, bosses, etc.
Basically what i am looking for now is a partially braid maze algorithm that let's me pick the entrance and exit area's, insert some larger rooms and generates some larger rooms occasionally. I could also just pop in my entrance, exit, special room and multiple larger rooms then run a braid maze algorithm and restrict it on those area's but taking there entrances into account to connect properly.
How would you take on a problem like this? I would love to read some ideas so i can look at this from another angle since i am stuck on this for days.
I used to have a website bookmarked that explained exactly what i am looking for, unfortunately i lost that bookmark. It used much smaller "connection" rooms but i think i can easily translate this into bigger ones i have. So if anyone has this i bookmark i would already be very happy.