I'm glad that I've finally published my first unity project - Surviverse. The official website address is:
Surviverse is an open-world sandbox game. I have a lot of ideas and below I placed a short description of my work (the final goal):
At the beginning of the game player has nothing. He starts as a castaway in some unknown, mysterious world. As the name suggests, he must do everything to survive, which includes keeping his energy high enough (hunger + fatigue + physical damage to his body) and not getting killed by some creatures. To do this, he must collect some resources and build a shelter. Later, he can dive into researching magic or technology. Both branches provide awesome items and abilities and finally let the player go to space or jump into different dimensions to explore new, dangerous worlds...
The game is based on voxel terrain similar to other games, but with a significant difference: terrain is far more detailed than usual 1m. It is possible due to advanced techniques used and Unity optimizations. You can build at very high resolutions like 6cm and still keep your performance high. Soon, I'll implement terrain generation on GPU, which shall accelerate the game so much that terrain generator will be able to use high resolutions for things like heightmap, etc..
For now however, the project is in its early-dev stage and has only a few basic features (world, inventory & crafting, building) implemented. The only mode player can play now is creative. An infinite world is generated and then player can craft world modifying items like: Stone Bricks Hollowed Cylinder (material + shape + some other relevant data) and use them to build what he wants.
Get more information about the project at: http://surviverse.com
I have a development blog up and running and all new stuff concerning Surviverse will be published there: http://surviverse.com/development-blog
The game is available for download here: http://surviverse.com/download, but I'd recommend to read help articles before playing.
I plan to update Surviverse regularly. New posts/updates should appear at least every week.
I you want to support the project and get quicker updates, let me know you're interested by following my twitter: https://twitter.com/Kiel366 and Google+ site: Surviverse on Google+
I attach two of my screenshots (see full gallery at: http://surviverse.com/gallery).
So now, go to my website (http://surviverse.com), download the game, read some help as the controls might be quite confusing and play the game!
Write here or on the website what do you think about the project and build something awesome and upload it in this thread as I want to see what you can build.
Hope to see you on my website and in the game soon!