Then you could make a text adventure game. The first attempt people have at doing this typically is quite terrible.
I think this is also bad advice. After seeing beginners trying text adventures for three years now, I'm yet to see any of them finish a particularly good one or learn very much from their attempt.
I would suggest that to get a book on C++ is the best way to learn, and failing that, to read online. There is a list here of decent C++ books:
Each time you read how to do something, you should then try to apply it to a real (small) project. Once you have learnt the basics of C++, which I would consider to be:
Variables, control flow, input/output, arrays, strings, functions, structs and classes, inheritence and debugging. If you learn this stuff, you will forever be a significantly better games programmer, if you choose to pursue programming games in C++ or otherwise.
To then make games in C++, you will probably want to use an external library. Popular options are SDL, SFML (my recommendation) and Allegro. This will allow you to start creating 2D games. These have good tutorials on Youtube and other places online. However, you will need to be comfortable using C++ before starting to learn these libraries.
Also, learn any maths that you can. The better you are at maths, the better you will be at programming.