Have you heard of JARVIS OS? It's being made by a group of 7 people with an average age of < 20. The founder is less than 20 (last time i checked).Now that I think about it, perhaps an OS with AI would be the best OS.
I used this software once that I can't find anyone called Cynthia 3.0. It was pretty much a chat bot whose image and animation you could change. You could teach it like:
"The sun is a big ball of burning gas in the sky."
This information would be saved to a text file.
Then you could type "what is a sun?"
And it would respond "The sun is a big ball of burning gas in the sky."
Creating a useful enough AI for such a system as seen in sic-fi movies doesn't seem far off with technology like this around, other than voice recognition files, and realistic text to speech recordings.
I myself am working on a pretty realistic AI system that started as a way to detect objects like we do in real life using senses.
I just picked up a new term called "fuzzy logic." That is what such a system as JARVIS would need to use.
To make such AI, You would need the most skilled people in every major science, medical, and artistic field (artistic if you want to make an iron man suit). And you'd need a good and simple yet effective plan.
Perhaps you'd need a cross of augmented reality and virtual reality to get sight right for iron man.
This topic has turned rather fantastic. Haha.
Making something as awesome as this is simply hard. Take it one step at a time.
For example, you can start with "JARVIS, search for Iron man on google" then "JARVIS, backup all my phone data and check my schedule" till you reach "JARVIS, make me a watchdogs duplicate and an engine 10 times more efficient than cryengine+unreal". Eventually, it'll reach "Kitt (do you know Kitt?), attack mode". Come to think of it, Kitt is better than JARVIS (name wise).