I am developing a video game for an undergrad thesis. It would have an exceedingly simple visual design, appearing more like a visual novel (Phoenix Wright), but with the player maintaining stats and there being equipment. I'm focusing on a narrative that is highly prone to change and that develops a connection with the player. I would like some assistance in evaluating the potential advantages and/or pitfalls that you foresee in this process as well as any tips you may have on how to handle them. I am forming a framework under which I intend to operate.
The core design concept is that the player interacts with an NPC that is modeled on the gameplay behavior of a previous player (hopefully will be handling that with a psychology professor's and computer science professor's assistance). The player must develop a bond of sorts with this character, thereby learning somewhat about the player whose profile derived the model. I can understand that there is a huge burden placed on me in ensuring that the model accurately portrays a character who would successfully replicate the previous player's moral behaviors and/or passions. My goal to simplify this matter is to breakdown characters' interactions with the player on an array of likeness spectrums affiliated with particular ideas related to player action (much like Ken Levine's GDC panel on narrative, if you watched that). Events in the game world can affect the relevance or influence of these various spectrums.
Example: Joe loves his car (spectrum1) Joe also loves Tammy (spectrum2). If you as the player do things that improve his car and get him in Tammy's good graces, he likes you(generalSpectrum). You destroy his car, but make sure Tammy loves him, he has mixed feelings about you. You fix up his car, he may end up liking you again, but his level of trust for you has diminished (slight permanence effect to actions, even if restored). Randomly rolled event (doesn't happen the same way every playthrough. This could be picked from an unseen list): Tammy dies suddenly. Not only do your actions in getting them together no longer affect his general impression of you as much, but now, how you are involved in his grieving process is the important factor (i.e., spectrum2 has been replaced with an entirely new spectrum that is linked to different actions in the game).
When the player finishes the game, the decisions they made are used to compile a mathematical model of their moral choices and are output to a file which would likely be stored on a local campus server. From this file, the game can then load in a new "integral character" for a new game. Say Joe hated it when people break his trust / deals with them harshly, and is willing to help a runaway criminal find his lost love rather than turn him in, confiding in you his attempts to make their love flourish and asks for your help. These are elements of his personality that could be brought in from a previous game in which another player encountered this scenario already (due to him having different random events than you), and chose to help the two run away together vs turning them in. The new player then has to decide what he/she will do.
My current plan is to develop this using Construct 2 as I figured JavaScript usage would make implementing the server storage for the model communication simpler. I am completely inexperienced with databases and servers in general though (don't learn about those till at least a year from now) and I have 2 years to complete the game. Any suggestions or tips would be helpful, including but not limited to 1) story elements that assist in the type of dynamic branching I am interested in, 2) implementation predicaments I wouldn't know about to prepare for in advance, 3) criticism concerning the non-linear development strategy and character development strategy.
Thank you