Okay I have two classes:
SWORDBEAM: This one basically handles the projectiles that come out of the player, its pretty simple:
int x, y;
int alive;
int dir;
int xspeed, yspeed;
x = 0;
y = 0;
alive = 0;
dir = 0;
xspeed = 0;
yspeed = 0;
//Core Functions
void drawbeam()
int n;
int px, py;
px = x;
py = y;
//Is the beam active
//Draw sword beam sprite
if(dir == UP)
al_draw_bitmap(swordbeamUp, px - mapxoff, py - mapyoff, NULL);
if(dir == DOWN)
al_draw_bitmap(swordbeamDown, px - mapxoff, py - mapyoff, NULL);
if(dir == LEFT)
al_draw_bitmap(swordbeamLeft, px - mapxoff, py - mapyoff, NULL);
if(dir == RIGHT)
al_draw_bitmap(swordbeamRight, px - mapxoff, py - mapyoff, NULL);
void movebeam()
int px, py;
px = x;
py = y;
//Is the beam active?
//Move the beam
x += xspeed;
y += yspeed;
px = x;
py = y;
//Stay within the screen
if(px < link->x - (gameBufferWidth/3) || px > link->x + (gameBufferWidth/3) ||
py < link->y - (gameBufferHeight/2) || py > link->y + (gameBufferHeight/2))
//If it goes off screen, than kill it
explosionSprite->alive = 1;
alive = 0;
void fireweapon()
//Ready to fire again
alive = 1;
//Fire the beam in the direction that link is facing
case 0:
x = link->x + link->width/2;
y = link->y + link->height/2;
xspeed = 0;
yspeed = -swordspeed;
dir = 0;
case 1:
x = link->x + link->width/2;
y = link->y + link->height/2;
xspeed = 0;
yspeed = swordspeed;
dir = 1;
case 2:
x = link->x + link->width/2;
y = link->y + link->height/2 - 3;
xspeed = -swordspeed;
yspeed = 0;
dir = 2;
case 3:
x = link->x + link->width/2;
y = link->y + link->height/2 - 3;
xspeed = swordspeed;
yspeed = 0;
dir = 3;
//Declare a swordbeam
SWORDBEAM swordbeam;
My other class is the enemy, It basically moves in a path I set for it:
int x, y;
int width, height;
int curframe, maxframe;
int framecount, framedelay;
int dir;
int alive;
int pathx1, pathx2;
int pathy1, pathy2;
int speed;
x, y = 0;
width, height = 0;
curframe, maxframe = 0;
framecount, framedelay = 0;
dir = 0;
int speed = 0;
alive = 0;
pathx1, pathx2 = 0;
pathy1, pathy2 = 0;
void setUp(int px, int py, int pwidth, int pheight,
int pcurframe, int pmaxframe, int pframecount,
int pframedelay, int pdir, int pspeed, int palive,
int ppathx1, int ppathx2, int ppathy1, int ppathy2)
x = px;
y = py;
width = pwidth;
height = pheight;
curframe = pcurframe;
maxframe = pmaxframe;
framecount = pframecount;
framedelay = pframedelay;
dir = pdir;
speed = pspeed;
alive = palive;
pathx1 = ppathx1;
pathx2 = ppathx2;
pathy1 = ppathy1;
pathy2 = ppathy2;
//Responsible for updating the octorock
void updateOctorock()
//Give octorock a path to follow, only dealing with x axis for now
if(x > pathx2)
dir = LEFT;
else if(x < pathx1)
dir = RIGHT;
//Move the octorock
if(dir == UP)
x += 0;
y -= speed;
if(dir == DOWN)
x += 0;
y += speed;
if(dir == LEFT)
x -= speed;
y += 0;
if(dir == RIGHT)
x += speed;
y += 0;
//Responsible for drawing the octorock;
void drawOctorock()
//Is it alive?
if(dir == DOWN)
if(++framecount > framedelay)
framecount = 0;
if(++curframe > 1)
curframe = 0;
/*else if(dir == UP)
if(++framecount > framedelay)
framecount = 0;
if(++curframe > 3)
curframe = 2;
else if(dir == LEFT)
if(++framecount > framedelay)
framecount = 0;
if(++curframe > 5)
curframe = 4;
else if(dir == RIGHT)
if(++framecount > framedelay)
framecount = 0;
if(++curframe > 5)
curframe = 4;
if(dir == RIGHT)
al_draw_bitmap_region(octorock_images[curframe], 0, 0,
x - mapxoff, y - mapyoff, NULL);
al_draw_bitmap_region(octorock_images[curframe], 0, 0,
x - mapxoff, y - mapyoff, ALLEGRO_FLIP_HORIZONTAL);
//Sees if the octorock got attacked by link
void detectCollision()
int playerx;
int playery;
int x1;
int x2;
int y1;
int y2;
playerx = link->x;
playery = link->y;
x1 = x;
y1 = y;
x2 = x1 + width;
y2 = y1 + height;
if(inside(playerx, playery, x1, y1, x2, y2))
if(link->curframe == 0 || link->curframe == 1 ||
link->curframe == 2 || link->curframe == 3 ||
link->curframe == 4 || link->curframe == 5 ||
link->curframe == 6 || link->curframe == 7)
hearts -= 1;
else if(link->curframe == 9 || link->curframe == 10 ||
link->curframe == 11 || link->curframe == 12)
alive = 0;
void octoPosition()
cout << "X Pos: " << x << endl;
cout << "Y Pos: " << y << endl;
OCTOROCK octorock[1];
The problem is that when I shoot my projectiles, my enemy gets shot out along with the projectile sprite. I have no clue why this is happening.
I have console window running keeping track of all postions and it seems like the swordbeam and octorock are sharing variables. If they are separate classes then how so?