I believe the technical term for ideas of this ilk is "pipe dream".
Not a pipe dream but a kindergarden dreams, i feel a sudden (and rapid) 10X downgrade in my personal inteligence when reading this
I remember my first post on this site. It was about modifying a game engine. I needed this for a game i needed to make but i changed my mind and decided to make it from scratch. I knew that the game assets will increase the time spent making a game and i got an idea. It was a tool that enabled you to create any asset with mouse clicks. I protected this idea and saw it as great. I posted something about it on this forum but didn't go into detail on it's functionality. It was going to be the best tool for 3d stuff and it existed no where. People here told me i was being unrealistic and it wasn't possible. That was until i was given a link to
3sweep and to my greatest shock, i saw my
pipe-dream in full detail. It did exactly what i had in mind.
I've had ideas, many ideas. That's why i asked the question on the possibility of
J.A.R.V.I.S. Fir said it is a kindergarten dream. Google has proven every not-possible/pipe-dream wrong. J.A.R.V.I.S isn't just possible, it is in version 0.2. The team of less than 20, mostly below the age of 23 making
Jarvis OS prove that. Yet another
pipe-dream made reality. Their team isn't nearly as large Microsoft but they've done what Microsoft hasn't and couldn't and weren't discouraged by the fact that
no one or tech giant including Microsoft and Apple has done it and it was seen as a
pipe-dream and their team was small. They designed a whole new OS architecture different from what exists.
Jarvis Corp.
I wish i started programming earlier. I would have been the one that made those. This idea is one of the only ones i've had that google hasn't shown it exists. I don't see my ideas as hard, infact, they are easy because people with more experience are making my ideas real. A month ago, i would not share this much detail about an idea because i didn't want it to be stolen but i am. I'm waiting for the article or link to something showing this current idea in production and hoping no one is doing it in secrecy.