Maybe Labview or a Labview like language would be useful for the high level architecture of a game, but otherwise for many things a text based language is more clear.
It's hard to express, but in most programming projects there are parts where a huge bunch of actions has to be done in a sequence (ie. initializing stuff, or even gameplay events), or just a list of things to load, or tons of parameters need to be filled. A dataflow language is not really good for doing many things in a sequence (sequence, where parallelism is bad, and wiring tons of blocks after one another as a workaround would be just a nasty workaround).
It's also questionable (or rather a matter of taste) if it's better to have parameter windows with tons of parameters for each function blocks than simply list those parameters in the text source code.
I also don't know how easy/possible it is to have a customized GUI, because it's sure you don't want to see the Windows GUI in your game (and that Labview Windows GUI has many-many bugs even in the newest versions).
So that's pretty much it IMHO. Labview MAY be good for high level architecture of a game, but certainly not better (if not worse) for all the other code. And I haven't talked about possible performance issues of using Labview.
LabView isn't what i had in mind as a future programming language/environment. It looks like something that gets confusing quick and the photo in it's wikipedia article bears no resemblance to simple for me.
Visual is good but still requires little
text, icons on windows desktop have names even though the icons are sometimes descriptive.
I noticed that windows gui, drag and drop stuff when using vb. To someone like me that regards the design and visual look of something as important as realistic physics in a 3d game, the windows forms is just plain ugly! To use a round button, you have to write multiple lines of code, import an image, save it as a class (or something), restart visual studio, go to the tool box, look for some stuff which had stuff that contained your saved button (this were the steps i saw in a youtube video). This isn't close to simplicity in my dictionary.
A language and programming environment that has no resemblance to C (except with {}) or C based languages (basically almost all except assembly and machine code), isn't drag and drop, and also doesn't use or resemble LabView, that's it.
My vision of the future is a Smart Development Environment. You start up the SDE app and it presents you with absolutely nothing but a basic form (like paint) on which you are free to create what ever shape or form you desire with *speech commands*, touch or use of a mouse, type as basic or as much code as desire, add functionality to the SDE etc. In general, create anything you desire, whether it is a browser, game engine, website, calculator, *OS* etc.without the need to type 2 million lines of code and use any more than 1 language. Absolute control in the hands of the programmer. The only limitation being your mind and imagination.