Hello guys, I'm new to all this game development thing but I have been wanting to become part of it for quite a while now but I have no clue where to begin, my uncle suggested me this website so I really wish I can start learning here. Any help will be apreciated.
I want to know where to begin.
Hello, and welcome!
I suggest you start by reading the FAQ, then ask further questions after that :)
Hello to all my stalkers.
EckTech Games - Games and Unity Assets I'm working on
Still Flying - My GameDev journal
The Shilwulf Dynasty - Campaign notes for my Rogue Trader RPG
Set small, reasonable goals for yourself or you'll quickly get overwhelmed.
Good advice...I fell into that trap a long time ago. Too many shiny objects to get lost in in the graphics world.
Yes, as timothyjlaird stated, it's better to not start out with more than you can handle. Start out at a basic level, and add features as you learn them. Get into the habit of refactoring your code as you add new features; eventually you'll end up with a framework/engine that you can use and understand. Your code will expand as your game needs more features. This is the exact process I followed in developing Super Play.
Check out Super Play, the SNES inspired Game Engine: http://www.superplay.info