Who controls how many people arrive ?? (assuming this isnt fast time where reproduction is taken into account)
Who is organizing it/funding it and what are their goals and motives??
Colonies are often placed in undeveloped locations where life might be primitive/sub-standard for an extended period.
Hazardous environment (people die off -- read early history of Jamestown ...)
Is there something to draw people there (boom town) or is it a planned colony for an overpopulated place (homeplanet) that they are being moved as policy ? How much is being spent to build it properly or is it a cheap 'dumping ground' ? A place of opportunity that people might willingly go to?
Military base ?? (Roman Legion bases as example of places towns grew up around)
Penal Colony?
Commercial Venture (Jamestown originally was and they brought the wrong kind of people for anything permanent)
Is there space nearby that is viable to be expanded into (and resources local to make that happen cheaply)
Seed money to get it started and then it becomes self-supporting OR is it a burden to the remote organizers who might 'cut-off support eventually and leave it to wither ?
Lots of ins and outs that can effect population growth.....