
Project "Learning Programming In 2 Years"

Started by January 24, 2014 06:17 PM
17 comments, last by TheScriptan 10 years, 9 months ago

Good luck with your project!

I am 15 years old.

When I was young I wasn't even thinking about programming,

You are still young tongue.png

This is the closest I've been to feeling old, ever.

I wanted to say younger, but it's not a problem :) Hey join my livestream and follow my progress up my way to programming once more! :)

Check out my blog or twitter for news how I am doing in the project "Learn Programming in 2 Years!". You can follow my progress, and help me! :)

My Projects:

"Learn Programming In 2 Years"

"Windows Tutorials"

"Ubuntu Tutorials"

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Moving@ IndieDB:

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TheScriptan, good luck with your project. I think it sounds truly interesting and from time to time I will definitely jump on twitch to see what is going on. I'm following you on twitter too. Also, you definitely are young still, but I started programming when I was about 13 years old (learning BASIC was required in 7th/8th grades, I was hooked since). You are already on the right track, ignoring people that tell you to learn a language and instead learn the languages you want to learn. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future. Truly, good luck with it.


I learned it in under a year. It is not as hard as I thought it was, it is just hard to find good information. So I made a tutorial about the key principles after I had learned, to help people get into it faster:

as for C++ (which you might want to learn simply because so many people require you know it in the industry) this is the most informational, easy to understand, consistent video series I have seen, by krashcourse101:

I have used Codecademy also, and someone just recommended some other site to me:

I also use my iPad and several apps to help me practice:

-Codea (program in LUA)

-Pythonista (program in Python)

-Textastic (basic IDE with syntax highlighting)

There is also a good video series on the Ruby Programming language on iTunes U (for IOS if you have it) called "Introduction to Programming with Ruby" by Mark Sobkowicz

If you don't understand the terminology I used above, my tutorial should help you.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.

A comment about C++

I used to hate C++'s ugly face with a passion, but after watching a few videos, I saw just how neat and useful it is. I also saw how powerful it was (more control over the stuff that happens). And yes, C++ is fast, because of the way it does things more so than if it can do the those things or not.

I saw that the main issue I had with watching most videos or reading most tutorials on C++ was that the way people wrote their code was in a way that was not logical to me, yet they hardly explain their reason for doing things, so it might have made sense then.

I like to understand the HOW and the WHY. I think both parts are crucial to understanding this subject.

For instance, why do they do that whole :

public static void main()


C++ is a little more descriptive of its functions, so this just means that this particular function is a public function, that it is static, and that it is void (returns nothing after it does what it does) and that it is the main function. A main function is the function that runs all other functions. Simple stuff like that helped me to understand the otherwise thought "stupid" syntax of C++. Even their variables have description.

Another thing that got me were the shortcuts people used. This is the reason I found it hard to find good Blender 3D tutorials. People just whacked keys assuming we knew what they were pressing.

So don't just learn the language, learn the shortcuts (if only to be able to follow tutorials or code you see).

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.

I think this is fantastic. It sounds like you're doing it right - just focus on learning first. Don't be afraid to throw away a first try and restart with a better paradigm. Some (realistic) ambition is good, but don't rush things too much by setting difficult goals, it'll just risk frustration. And most of all - keep it fun.

In my experience the best developers learned just like this - on their own, and on their own time. (Rather than in schools or at a job... not to say these can't help.)

Two years should be more than enough time, I'm sure you'll catch on if you stick with it. I'm a little jealous you have the help of the Internet - I was doing this out of the old paperback books to start off!!! laugh.png

it is void (does nothing)

Just to nit-pick a bit -- a void function does not mean the function does nothing. It means the function does not return anything (valid).

Hello to all my stalkers.


it is void (does nothing)

Just to nit-pick a bit -- a void function does not mean the function does nothing. It means the function does not return anything (valid).

Yes, my bad, good. Haha.

They call me the Tutorial Doctor.

Reminds me of myself :D

I've been programming since around 12-13, now I'm 16, I totally agree with how you decided to take a break and wait till you got a bit older so you could understand some of the concepts. I experienced the same issues in the beginning but now I understand everything! Programming is actually my hobby now! Trust me, learning this stuff at an early age really helps! I was able to skip an entire school year because of how my programming helped my math skills and now programming class is the easiest thing in the world!

I however didn't get straight into game development, I've been switching through multiple things like computer security, game dev, math, simulation, assembly, OS dev...

Basically, I don't regret having spent the last few years programming, it has really paid off and just as Eck said, it has certainly influenced my career choice. At one point I used to say I wanted to be a quantum scientist (I didn't even know how hard that would be) but now I can't even think of anything but computer engineering. My dream has changed from making my own discovery to having my own game studio!

Taking the time to learn these things when (I'd say) the brain learns/adapts fastest, is really going to pay off for you if you keep up the work! Don't worry if you don't finish a project, I have about a few GB of projects which I haven't finished but it's the effort that counts!

I really hope you finish this undertaking though ;)

My main programming language is C# (I sometimes even think in it! xD ) so if you have any questions, just ask ;)

Hello everyone! I am really sorry that I abandoned this project, I don't know what was I thinking, the beggining was so succefull! Anyways I am going to revive this project! At this moment I am learning Lua/Love2D, so far I am doing pretty good, well I started only three days ago, but still I have a lot of fun! If you want to come and help me out a little bit, not only with the code, but with the game designing and ideas, so come here!

Check out my blog or twitter for news how I am doing in the project "Learn Programming in 2 Years!". You can follow my progress, and help me! :)

My Projects:

"Learn Programming In 2 Years"

"Windows Tutorials"

"Ubuntu Tutorials"

My Games:

Moving@ IndieDB:

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