Here's a simple and a complex way to do it. I think you want the complex.
Simple, damage based entirely on stats. Essentially you can limit the options as much as possible, and the options are context sensitive and uniform.
you see a pig as tall as a house
the pig sees you
the pig snorts at you
select action: attack, run away
you hit the pig 0 damage
the pig snorts at you
(the player may have about 10 hp and the pig has 30 hp)
Complex, damage based partially on decision. You can assign context sensitive options like push button, as well as allow the player to many standard actions like move or look:
you see tiger
the tiger sees you
the tiger lunges at you
you have time to react
select action: dodge, parry, take, look, drop item
list of things you can take: tiger, self
list of things on the tiger: optionally automatic [, list of body parts[, list of detectable items tiger carries]
front left leg
you reach for the tiger's front left leg
the tiger bites your right hand
your hand is bleeding
report: (status ailments of some kind show up when available)
your right hand is being held by the tiger
you are holding the tiger's front left leg
select action: attack, run away, take, look, drop item
list of things you can attack: tiger, self
... I'm skipping the dialogue ...
right hand
you release the tiger's front left leg and strike your right hand
the tiger throttles you
right hand is dismembered
... skipping more since I can't keep it uniform anyway ...
inventory knife
you equip a knife
the tiger is eating
right hand is dismembered (since it always will be maybe the message should be optionally filtered out)
you stab the tiger
the tiger thrashes (unintentionally)
the tiger reacts
the tiger drops something
the tiger's neck is bleeding heavily
you dropped your knife
A player with more experience would have dodged, pulled out their knife, and attacked a specific part of the tiger's body.
This is an example similar to Dwarf Fortress which is not entirely text but it relies heavily on text, each character has limbs and vital organs. The game itself is not entirely combat oriented.