Funny title, eh?
Well, let me explain.
My dad is an old-school electrical engineer (the big stuff with cucumber diameter cables and lever switches weighing more than your average oscilloscope). He uses computers at work because he has to, and reads e-mail, but that's about it.
So he's certainly no dummy, but is not quite enamored with computers (or with Windows. I have no idea whether Mac would be the "aha!" as some people claim ^^ I doubt he'd like to throw that kind of dough at a computer to run a DAW, though)
He plays the drums for a few years now (getting lessons), and, "playing around" with other things too, and in the house my parents recently moved to, wants to have a little recording studio.
Well, he never did any recording before, and I myself only as a complete dillettante.
So he recently mentioned he wants to buy one of those digital hardware multi channel recorders, which are IMO overpriced for what they can offer, studio wise, haven't operated one, but the editing must be clumsy compared to a good PC-based DAW.
I think he might regret it, and his fear of "them complicated computer programz" may be exaggerated compared to the fumbliness of such a device, which wouldn't be that easier to get into if you actually want to do something interesting...
First, are you on board with me on this at all, are those hardware recorders a waste of money?
Second, can you recommend some DAW that a computer-averse may get into without taking trainig courses (which would have to be available where he lives...), just by the manual - or maybe DVD tutorials?
The thing is, the software, and perhaps digital media tutorials, must be localized to German, since his English may allow him to order at McD, but with difficulties ;-)
While he certainly would not need all the bells & whistles of the most professional recording software, some of those free or cheap ones I've seen were apparently not available as localized versions.
As he's looking at some Tascam 8 channel or so thing, he seems to be willing to spend some money on this, so I guess the requirement is not "dirt cheap" or free, but if there actually is a nice cheap program which fulfills the requirements, so be it.
I guess the main key would be: intuitiveness through utter consistency. That's what the engineer likes.
Thanks for recommendations or hints,