Putting it all together: How to best arrange C++ source and header files

Published November 04, 2000 by Ben Dilts, posted by Myopic Rhino
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When I first began to learn C++ about a year ago, I was used to the good old-fashioned one-source-file model. It took me weeks to figure out how C++ arranged and compiled its source and header files. It took me over a month to figure out how to use this arrangement to create globals instantly. I am writing this to save the other beginners out there the heartache.

Here is my basic model that I use in all my applications:

Globals.h is the only header file included in any source file - here is how
it's set up inside:
#ifndef MadeIncludes //if we haven't done this where this file can see it, then...
#define SCREENX = 640
#define SCREENY = 480
//and other app-wide #defines

//and other system or lib includes

#include "creature.h" //class header or some function prototypes

enum Enumeration{E_THINGY1, E_THINGY2};
#define MadeIncludes

extern int globalint;
extern char globalstring[50];
//and other globals

Winmain.cpp (or other main() or winmain() module)
#include "globals.h"
int globalint;
char globalstring[50];
//and other globals

//and then the rest of the main file's source code

Creature.cpp is my implementation for Creature.h that's included in globals.h
#include "globals.h" //you see, this now has access to all globals and header files

class creature
int x;
int y;

//and other classes/structs

void MoveCreature(int newx, int newy);
//and other various procedures

I hope this helped you guys. Questions, comments, whatever, e-mail me at [email="benbeandogdilts@cs.com"]benbeandogdilts@cs.com[/email]. Visit my web page at www.geocities.com/benbeandogdilts. Have fun, guys!
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Covers the basics of what you need to do to share globals across multiple files.
