Ironically, I just turned on the TV where SternTV is airing at the very moment. It's about how great asylum seekers are and how bad we Germans are because we hate them so unfairly (showing some well-selected xenophobiea speeches from singular people on Facebook), and we need to welcome the much more.
At the same time, the report admitted that the crime rate in Siegen went up significantly with the arrival of 2,000 refugees, but that doesn't mean anything. The people in Siegen are worried, but they're worried about nothing. The report also mentions neonazis currently seeing big growth.
This is now followed by a discussion round between some guy from Leipzig who says that the police doesn't even enter some quarters and he is worried about his kids blah blah, and another guy from some welfare organization who counters that we need to do much more multi-culti, and it's all no problem.
Sadly I have an appointment, so I can't watch the rest.