
Hex Directional Movement prototype, feedback appreciated

Started by November 19, 2013 10:57 PM
3 comments, last by ferrous 11 years, 1 month ago

So this is a quick prototype of trying to do hex pathfinding/movement with facing/direction and a turn radius.

Left click on the tank to select it, hover over a facing in a hex to try to move to it , right click to move there. Click end turn when you want to move again. Scroll wheel to zoom camera out, arrow keys to move the camera.

Green is slow, white is combat/cruise speed, yellow is full speed. You can only go up or down one speed band at a time, so if you're at fullspeed, next turn you can't go slow. I don't have reverse in there -- and I probably should carry over the momentum from turn to turn, and add the ability to turn in place at the appropriate parts in the paths

To be honest, it's a bit mucky, I'm tempted to swap to something like Space Hulk / classic X-com, with a turn as a movement cost, as it might be a little clearer and easier to use. But it looks like it could be interesting if I wanted to make a car game, autoduel-esque thing.

I'd appreciate any feedback, having stared at it too much, I'm curious how confusing it looks to others.

Here's a great site on hexagon map math

--"I'm not at home right now, but" = lights on, but no ones home

Here's a great site on hexagon map math

Thanks, already had that bookmarked =) I'm essentially using his grid coordinate system, as it's the most straightforward.

I'm not having trouble with the math, just wanting to see if the movement interface looks too confusing for the user. I know it's more complex than standard movement systems that either don't have any facing/directional component, or just have a facing/direction that is set at the end, but I wanted to see if I could expand on that a little bit -- get something a bit more granular than a standard tile based game, but not quite as complex as, say Darkwind Online.

Took me a couple turns to get used to it (I think I've got an issue with something because I had to rightclick to move, but rightclicking brought up menus and some other stuff was odd, but probably my fault)

Then as I was going along, it sort of 'clicked' as to how the tank could move.

From here, I think the biggest deciding factor for your next decision is how you want the game to play. Do you want realism and momentum to play a part? How much abstraction do you want to get into? For me personally, it feels like this game should be allowing me to do some pretty forgiving things, just based on a glance at what's there with no other knowledge about it, i.e. turning on a dime should be possible, but eat up movement (signifying the tank commander used some up to turn around).

I like your idea of locked velocity however, and would love to see it implemented with a momentum system. Tanks ramming tanks is love.

Oh, sorry about the right-click menu thing, my fault. I always forget to turn off Unity's annoying default right click behavior on new projects. It doesn't do that in the editor, so I forget about it. I'll fix that when I upload a new version.

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