The fact that your app already "shows" your vectors means that you have a position that you're drawing them at.
But anyway, what you are talking about are two different things:
On the one hand you're talking about Earth and North, which to me sounds more like a spherical/geographical coordinate system, A.K.A.: latitude, longitude, altitude coordinates.
On the other hand, you're talking about a carthesian coordinate system A.K.A.: X, Y, Z coordinates.
Now pitch, roll and yaw also have different meanings in each type of coordinate system:
In the spherical/geographical coordinate system, the pitch, roll and yaw are always relative to a position that is represented as latitude, longitude and altitude.
In the carthesian coordinate system, the pitch, roll and yaw are always relative to a position that is specified as X, Y, Z.
This is why LorenzoGatti proposed that you use a plane tangential to a sphere as a reference point plane - he thinks that the roll and pitch values that you already have are relative to spherical coordinates, not carthesian ones (and so do I), but only you can clear this up.