Yeah that's what I was talking about. Symbols vs actual units.
I prefer the ones on the right but I believe it's really about opinion and how you view such games. Do you want a more "overlord resource management" feeling where you look at abstraction data like a map with symbols in a tent and tell your messengers to send message about what each unit should do and are only interested in numbers and results. Or are you actually in the same scene witnessing the individual people doing the actions and ordering them as they go.
I believe lots of the problems you are having with creating the art is the fact that all units have the same dimensions and outline where as traditionally stronger units are bigger in pixel size. If you have a clear order of superiority in the units you can also reflect it inside the icon. Weak icon characters could be small with lots of black and strong units could have bigger characters with more white in them so you could also visually grade some battles at one glance even if you needed to further check the types in more depth.