Yes, $7 is overpriced for 1-hour.
I'd price each half-episode at $2.75, price the complete episode at $5, and have additional sources of revenue aside from the up-front cost.
$7 at face value per half-episode will drive away consumers. So be clever instead.
- I'd see if I can get sponsorship deals netting me an additional $0.35 - $0.75 per sale per half-episode. $2.50 becomes $3.00
- Maybe some kind of merchandise tie-in where people can buy t-shirts and additional content.
- Use the ending of one episode to promote the next episode ("Next time, on ThisEpisodicGame!"), increasing the chance of a user continuing to buy the next game.
Sell "season passes" to the complete series, pricing it at $30. "$30!?", you might say, "X episodes * 2 parts per episode * $2.50 == > $70!". Yes, but the vast majority of your consumers are going to buy one or two episodes, not the entire series. If you offer them a bundle-deal of the entire series, then they might actually pay for it and might actually enjoy it, even if in your mind you are 'taking a loss', really you're making more money than you would've otherwise.
Toss in some other (digital) incentive. Like a special gold necklace around the neck of one of your characters.
Don't overprice it, or your consumers won't purchase it.
Don't rip off the consumers by tricking them to pay for more than they want to.
Instead, figure out ways that work in your and the consumers' interests, by pricing it decently but still making up the money in other ways. Sponsorships can subsidize the cost for the consumer, while still letting you charge "full price".
What makes more money? A $3.00 game, or a $2.00 game with a $1.00 sponsorship?
$3.00 - 30% App store fee = $2.1
$2.00 - 30% App store fee = $1.40 + $1.00 sponsorship = $2.40
Does Apple take a cut of your sponsorship fees? I'm guessing 'no', but you ought to look into it.
Does Apple take a cut of normal advertisements from ad networks, heck yes they do. So cut a deal directly with a company.
You come asking if it'll be a problem, meaning you already thought it would be but don't want to believe it or aren't fully sure. Everyone tells you yes it will be a problem, you deny it and say you're going to do it anyway. Why'd you ask if you didn't want to hear the truth that you already knew?