
building birds eye view

Started by September 04, 2013 02:07 PM
1 comment, last by rouncer 11 years, 6 months ago

Ive written a small cad program in a couple of days, it works by taking cubes subdivided once and twisting them around, and you just keep placing cubes. it has a grouping system so if you make a cool piece you can zap it all on at once in a single hit.
thats about it, and ive got pretty pleasing results out of something so simple.

the texturing is homogeonous at this stage and no shadows, cause im on a really old computer and it cant hack anything.


I tried writing an animator not long before this but I just couldnt find the effort to finish it, sometimes I find it sooo hard to get to the keyboard to make these artistic tools, but this one came out quick and easy and I was making the buildings in no time.

specular normal mapping.



extentions! smile.png

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