
the games with the most influence on your life

Started by August 22, 2013 06:47 AM
28 comments, last by telso2 10 years, 11 months ago

This seem quite obvious and worn topic but I do not see any like that so I would like to ask about that obvious and worn question.

Which are the games which had the most influence/impact on your life?

Some games especially if playing them a lot can have quite a influence I think and this is in general a quite memorable experience/adventure... Whose games was like that for you?

My titles would be probably old Elite game (I was playing on c64 as a kid), adom I was playing a lot (I mean a lot, thousands hours (!) probably, in college years), and Gothic3 (I was playing a few years ago and who also enchanted me) [I did not play many games of each ages so big amount of good games do not met me in the course of my life but those would be the three most influential]

I think the early ones for me would of been Manic Minor or Jetpac on the ZX Spectrum 48k.
The most important system that had impact on me though was the Amiga and there are too many games to list from here that influence me (not to mention demos, utils and cracktros).


I think the early ones for me would of been Manic Minor or Jetpac on the ZX Spectrum 48k.
The most important system that had impact on me though was the Amiga and there are too many games to list from here that influence me (not to mention demos, utils and cracktros).

Played Dune (Dune2 afaik, not sure) Civ, and XCom

on Amiga - Was there something better than that on Amiga?

Those were great but not as influential as those personal giants I mentioned,

Also some PS2 games was of some influence on my

experience (Tekken 5 , and Spartan, Total War)

Sadly I was playing wery little of both the machines,

both Amiga and PS2 were like jet of bright foam in quality.

Were there some machines with such excellency

in feeling and mood like some best of amiga or ps2?

Still I remember some clear dream feeling about some old simulator games on amiga (they probably was not so good,

(or maybe they was?) but remember the clarity and quality of the dream - which based on some glimpses in shops and magazine screenshots)

Some little games on Xbox360 and PS3 I know I do not like,

(thoug I know only a few), Some games on IPhone i know

(only a few too) I do not like too, (same with android,) and

Some on PSVita i know (also only a few) I do not like too.

The most modern game I got such dream filing on was Gothic3 on PC - that was quite dreamy good game too (I know only few modern games on PC, but at least there is one example of really enchanting game to me;

X360, PS3, Iphone, Android, PSVita - nothing worth mentioning I know )

Ultima Online.

real life :)

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education"

Albert Einstein

"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education"

Albert Einstein

Return to castle wolfenstein & Bioshock Infinite

Miner 2049er
Carrier Command
North and South
Dungeon Master
Kohan: Ahriman's Gift
Dungeon Siege
Path of Exile

Sierra Games like:

Kings Quest

Police Quest

Space Quest

Super Mario Bros. 3 - I never owned an NES when I was younger, but I spent pretty much every waking moment of my childhood at my friend's house playing it over and over again.

Chrono Trigger - No other game's ever got its hooks in me like this one. I finished it 18 times in one summer.

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time - The sheer sense of exploring the world and dungeons blew my mind. Puzzles with multiple reasonable solutions (i.e. jumping from the top floor of a dungeon to stretch a spider web past its breaking point, or lighting a stick on fire so you can burn it).

Spyro the Dragon. It's the reason I am a game developer today.

SlimDX | Ventspace Blog | Twitter | Diverse teams make better games. I am currently hiring capable C++ engine developers in Baltimore, MD.

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