I've played so many games that I've completely lost count, after about 500+ titles. But the earliest titles for me started at about 3rd generation (8-bit) of gaming and exploded during 4th gen (16-bit, SNES and Sega Genesis/Megadrive)
My first games:
- Giana Sisters (Absolute first game I've played)
- Digger
- Supercars
- Commander Keen series
- Eye of the Beholder series
- Captain Comic
Here's my absolute favorite games:
Gameplay: GTA San Andreas!
Music: Zelda III, Super Metroid and just about every decent SNES game ever released.
Genre: FPS - Deus Ex, Half-Life, Farcry, Crysis, Borderlands and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Setting: Post-Apoc - Fallout series, Rage, etc.
Story: Final Fantasy VII and Baldur's Gate
Character: The Nameless One (Planescape: Torment)
Weapons: Gravity Gun (HL2) and the fully automatic eight-shot Fat Boy Experimental Mirv of Fallout 3. (The BFG can go to bed.)