
The Week of Awesome: Unofficial GDNet Competition

Started by August 18, 2013 05:05 AM
132 comments, last by Orymus3 10 years, 4 months ago

Alright, here is: Dilophosaurus decision

Time is 10:58 PM, by my clock.

Wow, this was tiring.

Not 100% complete either, but here's mine:


And a screeny:


Wow Servant, you certainly cut that close! I wasn't sure you would make it lol.

Hahaha, yeah. I started to panic when DropBox was syncing uber slowly with four minutes to go, and wouldn't let me upload the link until it finished syncing.

I had to rapidly disable some game features to produce a playable build, and reused some dino art for multiple characters.

Doubly unfortunate because the artist had drawn unique appearances for all 11 dinosaurs in-game, and I only managed to color and put in 5 or 6 of them. sad.png

Maybe we'll do a Post-contest release in a few days that fixes the final mistakes and cleans it up properly.

Someone please tell me my team's game runs! We've been running it continually on two separate machines, via dropbox, but I'm super nervous.

Congrats to everyone!

I'm about to crash - I can only run on Dr Pepper for so long.

[Edit:] Google Chrome decides to mock our efforts:


Doubly unfortunate because the artist had drawn unique appearances for all 11 dinosaurs in-game, and I only managed to color and put in 5 or 6 of them. sad.png

Couldn't you have made the game black-and-white?


So my submission was in, I cut it very fine and was hacking away until the very last second.

It'll require at least Java6 to run and is targeting Desktops (Windows specifically, but if happens to work on Mac or Linux then it's a bonus).

What did I manage to get done since my last update, quite a lot actually:

  • Added music & sound effects - It only made sense to do so since there's a whole judging category devoted to it.
  • Added a crosshair
  • Made Granny aim her walking stick
  • Adjust the look of the bullets to be smaller pellets (since I didn't have time to implement varied gun types).
  • Added more kinds of dinosaur including both in-tact and decaying versions of each dinosaur
  • Added a highscores table - This was important to me as I kinda feel that if a game can't be won then 'winning' is getting a highscore.
  • Balanced the gameplay some more

The game is quite long, well, it goes on forever technically - but there is new content introduced at various points along the way and the gameplay changes as you progress. The assets folder is not embedded so the intrepid among you can take a peek in there and see what you're missing out on if you don't play all the way through.

Admittedly I didn't have time to do much play-testing so how fun/easy/hard the game will be is as much of a mystery to me as to any of you. So it's quite possible that a particular stage is too hard to complete or that all stages are far too easy. Unfortunately I also didn't have time to extract the level-balancing to a config file, so it's hardcoded and unchangeable :-( Although I'd be happy to mod it on request.

Just playing it a bit and I already spot some non-critical but nonetheless annoying bugs, ugh.

I really hope it runs on someone else's PC unsure.png

Everybody's entries look great!

I need to get to sleep now though, but I'll play them all tomorrow.

@Servant: Your game runs on my computer! I haven't had time to play it through yet, but I did run it. The contrast on the dialogs was a bit hard for me to read but other than that it looked good!

@dmatter: Your game looked good! At first I was annoyed by the movement speed of Granny but it does fit the game well lol.

I really hope it runs on someone else's PC unsure.png

Just to give you some ease of mind: It runs on my PC, starting up and getting to the fading out text "65 million years ago..." before I closed it.

I didn't actually play it though... way too exhausted. Will play it tomorrow!

[Edit - now tomorrow:] I played the game - it was fun! I ran out of ammo at a score of 1993.

@Servant: Your game runs on my computer! I haven't had time to play it through yet, but I did run it. The contrast on the dialogs was a bit hard for me to read but other than that it looked good!

Thank you! *breath of relief*. Yeah, the artist mentioned the dialog contrasts also - I improved them slightly, but I guess they need more work.

The artist was also a tad ticked off that the apostrophes and periods were so small with that font. mellow.png

Worst still, some of the dialog runs off the dialog boxes and isn't readable off-screen - we fixed most of that, but missed a place or two.

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