Well, my grand scheme isn't going to be able to be done in time... but at least part of it is. I too have church tomorrow, and as such am uploading what I have and will see how much time I get tomorrow. Wish I had seen this before Wednesday, and that my graphics and sound guy hadn't had to leave on Wednesday... I spent way too much time working on some rudimentary graphics after deciding that rectangles were not something that would be good to leave in. :P
And, my internet has almost finished uploading! Executable jar file... if you have java, just double click it and it works.
If you don't have java, you may download it here [http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp].
The actual game may be downloaded from here.[http://butishouldhavegraduated.com/extraFile/DinoTamer.jar]
I figure that I may as well do something with the website... though I may just draw more comics by hand now that I see how much easier it is from putting together this game.
If I hadn't had to do art myself and had seen it sooner, I would have better art for one thing. :P
Also, each dino would have had to be tamed differently with some simple mini games... and I would have put riding in... and some platforming... may still swap it to platformer instead, but wanted to do something with the tamed dino. We shall see what tomorrow brings.
Then could eventually expand it to a world.
I have to say, at the moment it is fairly lame, but if I have time I will tweak it tomorrow, add in more sound effects, maybe a better background.
Fix the graphics so you can see the players better when there are a lot of dinos...
Ah well, hope someone has some fun with it anyway.
Just happy that I was able to figure out the component entity system. :)