It depends on various things in your game, among other:
Are there bonuses that are temporarily and/or are lost when dying ?
How defended is the home-world itself ?
personally i would go with B & C, just like in LoL, have a safe spot nearby where players can retreat as well, maybe chat about their new battleplan and possibly send out a few long-range attacks.
(note that in LoL dying gives more penalties then just time, it also gives the other team gold and some XP, so even when respawn time is still low a safe place to retreat is still of high value)
The timing, in LoL at least, assures that eventually a team will win, this is for a big part because of the balance of LoL is very good(even between uneven teams) but i can imagine that if they make a new map that s balanced differently, they ll largely get rid of this. (they actually have an arcade-map called dominion which shows this iirc)
tl,dr; your question is not just about mechanic, but about balance, and that realy depends on the rest of your game.