The one with fixed positions is confusing because I expect to move in games like this.
On the one with player ship movement, shooting is noticeably harder, but that is expected in a game like this. One thing that really confused me was one my ship would start sparking and I couldn't do anything. I never really knew why it would do that. Some of the gauges in the HUD are kind of confusing and not immediately apparent (like most HUD elements are). I do like the the shooting bar filling up thing, it looks like water is pouring in, which is cool.
In both, I couldn't really notice the shooting recharge bar because you can't really look at the corner while you are avoiding everything. Maybe putting it next to ship or something would help? Also, that one pinkish planet almost looks like you should shoot it/avoid it, even though it's just a background element. Maybe if you changed the art style or something for the background so you can easily discern which is which it would be better.
The game is looking good, nice job!