
Which version is better?

Started by August 06, 2013 05:09 PM
5 comments, last by makuto 11 years, 5 months ago

I made two versions of the same game. I'd like to know which one is playable/less frustrating.

Feel free to post any additional comments! :)

The one with fixed positions is confusing because I expect to move in games like this.

On the one with player ship movement, shooting is noticeably harder, but that is expected in a game like this. One thing that really confused me was one my ship would start sparking and I couldn't do anything. I never really knew why it would do that. Some of the gauges in the HUD are kind of confusing and not immediately apparent (like most HUD elements are). I do like the the shooting bar filling up thing, it looks like water is pouring in, which is cool.

In both, I couldn't really notice the shooting recharge bar because you can't really look at the corner while you are avoiding everything. Maybe putting it next to ship or something would help? Also, that one pinkish planet almost looks like you should shoot it/avoid it, even though it's just a background element. Maybe if you changed the art style or something for the background so you can easily discern which is which it would be better.

The game is looking good, nice job!

Want to get to know my work and I better? See my website: Au 79 Games

I wrote General Tips on the Process of Solo Game Development


I made fixes from the earlier version.

Check it out and see if you are ok with it. :)

I made fixes from the earlier version.

Check it out and see if you are ok with it. smile.png

Nice job! It's definitely better! Just keep iterating until it gets really polished!

Want to get to know my work and I better? See my website: Au 79 Games

I wrote General Tips on the Process of Solo Game Development

What do you mean by that?

Ok. I made the game a little more balanced. How is it now?


What do you mean by that?

What I mean by iterating is keep finding problems with the game and fixing them. Check out my article on the process of game development.

It has potential, and I like how the level two ships have those unique follow projectiles (and it's good that they look different as well, so you do not expect them to be like the others), but I think it's a little difficult. Have more people playtest it to get the difficulty right (I have yet to get past level 2). Most of my games end up being pretty tough as well, so it's a pretty common problem smile.png. Now, you might want it to be the kind of game that is really tough, and in that case it's OK.

The next level triangle ship thing is confusing because I think it is an enemy, so I try to avoid it and shoot it. Maybe it isn't necessary?

In any case, keep playtesting and improving!

Want to get to know my work and I better? See my website: Au 79 Games

I wrote General Tips on the Process of Solo Game Development

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