
another Q, about keyboard input in dos

Started by January 14, 2000 12:56 AM
0 comments, last by farmersckn 25 years, 1 month ago
im using turbo c++ for dos, v.3.0( i think...) i was wondering how you could trap multiple key presses, like up and ''a'' or something like that. i know you can look at port 60h to get the scancode of the last key pressed, but i need to know what keys are pressed, even if there is more than one down at a time... plz help, if you can. thanks.
Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future. Today is a gift, that is why we call it the present.
In order to check for multiple keys down, you really need to rewrite the DOS keyboard interrupt handler. Check out LaMothe''s old DOS game programming books for details.

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