
Oh My God..

Started by October 24, 2001 07:43 PM
6 comments, last by Goober King 22 years, 10 months ago
I''m am going to pass out if I ever get one thing to install right under linux. I three weeks I managed to get wine to work, sort of. I need to update Xfree86 so I down load the and use it to check the version I need. Said Linux 2.4.2-2 and somthin 6.2. So I download all the little files (an all day project) and run the install. the extract file is no good. So I download extract.exe. Also no good. Now on the site the binaries are aranged under odd headings so I''m not even sure I got the right one. I used the only one with 2.4.x in it. BSDfree2.4.x or something. Am I doing somthing wrong here? My god it''s just RH 7.1 . Nothing special. Maby I should take back the new vid card and get a new modem and RH 7.2 with the xfree86 4.1 installed.
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Well crap. I though I had it. Used another copy of extract
and it ran the install without any problem. However X wont
start at all now. "Cannot exicute binary."
Ether I need a totaly new set of the binary files or I just
need to give up.
------------------------------------------------------------- neglected projects Lore and The KeepersRandom artwork
yes, it seems that most people who make linux distros dont in any way try to make them user friendly to install in the least. out of 10 or so, ive only had luck on a couple. vectorlinux( is one of them. keep trying, youll get it right eventually, and linux rocks btw
Actually, for vectorlinux, don''t use the sourceforge page as it is a bit dated. Try
You probably don''t want the BSD packages. I can''t help with that specific situation, but if it helps I found installing X to be pretty easy, it''s configuring XF86Config your first time (by hand) that''s hard, heh. Simply downloading/buying a new distro is the easiest way out, but it really isn''t that bad installing most things in Linux.

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
When I first installed Linux Everything was fine and I think
once everything works I''ll be haven a fine time. The Nvidia drivers just caused my screen to flash and black out. After much
trouble the only thing I could find that could be wrong is that
I once ran across somthing that said RH 7.1 had a bug involving
non intel CPU''s. Not the first time my MOBO and Proc has caused me pain. Without the Source code I can forget about the new drivers. So I got a different card. Works in windows
better than the other but I cant get into X. Actualy I can under
8bit mode 13 of all things!? An underwhelming experiance I can
asure you. I find many things odd about my system, Like how come
Half-Life runs the same on a Geforce2 and a 500K62 as it did on
my K6 166 with a Dimond Viper V330 PCI card? I figure if I get the latest distros and a new MOBO and CPU all my problems should go away in Linux and in Windows. To bad I''m an out of
work Shmuk. Oh well, such is life and the learning experiance. Time to give it another go.
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If you have an ALi chipset (you mentioned a K6-II CPU) you have to mess with some BIOS settings to get their drivers to work. I know, since I used to have one. Check the appendices in the NVidia instructions. Wish I could help more.

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
Did you read the manual the nvidia drivers? did you edit the XF86Config-4 file correctly? BTW I get better framerate in linux with my GeForce 2 than windows. rh 7.0 and 7.1 sucks btw, compiled poorly. 7.2 seems to work great though.
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