We are tired of paying taxes as a 1st world country and live in a 3rd world country. We are tired of having to pay a private hospital plan because there isn't a public one decent enough (and one you won't die for third party reasons not your illness is decent enough for me). We are tired of getting huge lines on bus stations, get into a over capacity bus and yet pay a ridiculous high fee. We are tired of not having a decent school/daycare to our little sons and have to pay half our paycheck for a private one. That and many many more reasons.
OK, but frankly, that's alike in almost every place in the world. We sure pay 1st world taxes in Germany, and our scholar system is ridiculous. In hospital, you wait up to 10 hours if you're unlucky even if you pay cash. I've had this happen with my mother only 4 months ago, and I'm not precisely the average pauper. I dread to think what people who only have the statutory insurance get...
Of course that is not surprising in any way, either. Government has taken the piss out of physicians for decades, the job is unrewarding and outright inhuman. Every single one who had any way of doing something different (including me) has quit his job years ago. So, naturally, if you have to go to hospital, that's bad luck for you.
It is often claimed (and equally often denied by the government) that we have a two-class health system. Of course we do, because what the statutory insurance is paying is ridiculous. Unless you cheat, it's less than what the interventions cost. Which means two things: First, everyone is cheating, and second, private patients are the better humans.
Sadly, in the mean time, there's sometimes not even enough physicians left for those with deep pockets.
A bus/metro ticket from here to downtown (10 minute cruise) costs me 4,80 euros single fare (that's roughly 14 reals). Taxi costs about 30 euros.
The average gross salary according to governmental propaganda is 2,200 euros, but if you are not part of the "top 10%" (the top 10% that own 90%) it's much closer to half that.
With all tax and compulsatory insurances (which the average man can't escape either), the average man has to make a living with considerably less than 800 per month (with rent being upwards of 500). I pay around 60 euros per week for food in the supermarket (for 2 people). No expensive stuff, no exotic stuff. Now don't ask me how those people raise 2 or 3 children with the salaries they get. They must be stealing or something, no idea.
In contrast, those benefit scroungers of which we sadly have more than enough are paid not only their rent and all insurances, but also most things you need for a living (like a laundry machine, or a tv), and get 500 per month of pocket money in addition (so they can buy drugs, and whatever).
And, as main point in their manifesto for the upcoming election, the communists want to raise that because it's still not enough (also, they want to lower the retirement age by 2 years, this is interesting, seeing how there is already not enough money to pay pensions as it is). Of course, taxes for people who work are way too low, too.
In other words, if you work, you're a stupid idiot, and you're fucked all over.
And sadly, because communists and socialists keep the people stupid by driving the scholar system against the wall, there are always enough people who are stupid enough to elect them, too. Thing is, if you do what they're planning (massive surplus tax on corporations and top earners), all that will happen is that they will leave the country.
The French gay-marriage-president has already demonstrated this, we all know the result. The rich go abroad, and the poor get poorer and unemployed. Meanwhile the Chinese are buying all the vine yards and the industry. But hey, no problem, at least there's gay marriage, congratulations to your success, Mr. Hollande. A a nation once known for his men and for its wine, where has it gone. You better start learning kantonese.
Now, had you said something like "It sucks in Brazil because drug cartels keep shooting at people in the streets", I might have agreed. But the things you mentioned are just the same everywhere. Or, possibly worse.