Original post by Hull
Steyr UUG 60 : Steyr Uberladen Universal Gewehr 60 gigawatt (Bet this one stings alot).
the character you were looking for was Ü (Überladen), although it doesn´t really make sense.
usually gun names are rather simple, try to keep them short (nobody will want to remember a string of ten characers).
Some common formats are:
(manufacturer) (weapon type) (model number)
(manufacturer) (caliber) (weapon type)
(manufacturer) (weapon type) (year of introduction)
there are a few others around, but if you use formats which people are familiar with the players will have less trouble picking up the gun names and less trouble applying them.
a few examples:
Steyr AUG (Steyr Armee Universal Gewehr) or Stg 77 (same gun, first introduced in 1977), same with AK 47. An example for the first format would be the HK Mp5 (Heckler&Koch Machine Pistol no.5).
So basically it would seem like a good idea to keep the name to two clusters of characters/numbers.